Write your Legislator to ensure Coloradans’ health and well-being are prioritized this session!
As a constituent, contacting your Representative and Senator can have a big influence on their priorities and decisions. Just a few letters to their office can bring an issue to their attention and have a critical impact on getting a bill passed.
Make a difference and take action today. Here’s how:
1. Find your Legislator: https://leg.colorado.gov/house-district-map.
a. Enter your address
b. You will then be matched with your Representative and Senator and be shown their email address
2. Copy and paste the draft email below into the message, add your legislator’s name to the greeting.
3. Add a personal touch with information about why you support this bill (optional).
4. Sign it with your name and location and send it to your legislators!
Here are the draft emails to copy and paste: