What’s so special about Dec. 6, 2016?
It’s just one day. But for millions of Coloradans, it could be the most important day of the year. It’s Colorado Gives Day.
Last year, more than 76,000 Coloradans donated nearly $39 million on Colorado Gives Day. This year, we aim to do even better.
You don’t have to wait until Dec. 6 to participate. You can schedule your donation right now.
Better yet, you can make a recurring donation. Once a year, once a month, or even once a week, you’ll be making a difference.
At Mental Health Colorado, that’s what we do every day. We’re leading the fight to bring high-quality mental health care within reach of every Coloradan.
How will we get there?
-By requiring insurance companies to provide equal coverage for mental and physical health care. That’s called parity, and it’s a law we helped pass.
-By putting a priority on early intervention. That includes making it easier for children and adolescents to get the care they need, and preventing their mental health conditions from becoming crises.
-By promoting alternatives to incarceration. That means increasing the availability of therapeutic services, instead of turning Colorado’s prisons and jails into warehouses for people with mental health or substance use disorders.
We can achieve these goals, but not on our own. We need you. Read more…