1046 results for author: Mental Health Colorado

Coronavirus has made Colorado’s mental health crisis worse | Vince Bzdek

September 26, 2020 By: Vincent Bzdek “This is the worst mental health the country's ever been in,” said Vincent Atchity, head of Mental Health Colorado. “We're a state in distress.” Read the full article in The Gazette

Mental Health Colorado to Host Candidate Forums

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Sept. 24, 2020 Media Contact: Aubree Hughes 405-615-3845 Mental Health Colorado to Host Candidate Forums Three forums will feature state house, state senate, district attorney, and board of education candidates DENVER - As a nonpartisan organization, Mental Health Colorado doesn’t endorse candidates, but the nonprofit advocacy group is educating candidates and constituents from all parties about the urgency of supporting healthier minds across the lifespan for all Coloradans. Mental Health Colorado will host a series of candidate forums ahead of election day with one goal: ensuring all Colorado voters are confident ...

One goal

Sept. 24, 2020 You may have heard, but if not, Mental Health Colorado is hosting a series of candidate forums ahead of election day with one goal: ensuring all Colorado voters are confident that anyone they are voting for will lead us in the right direction for mental health. The dates for the forums are as follows: State House – Thurs., Oct. 1 at 12:00 p.m. State Senate – Tues., Sept. 29 at 12:00 p.m. District Attorney and Board of Education – Tues., Oct. 13 at 12:00 p.m. I hope you’ll join us! Sincerely, Vincent Atchity, President & CEO

Hey, it’s Vincent

It’s almost here—our Virtual Tribute Gala is 23 days away! And while things look a little different this year, that doesn’t mean we’re any less excited about what’s in store. Before you get too enthusiastic and click on this registration link, I just want to remind you of what’s to come. Former Denver Bronco Reggie Rivers is joining for the second year in a row and Patrick J. Kennedy, former Congressman from Rhode Island, is joining the Tribute crew for the first time to deliver the keynote. Our team has been hard at work creating a silent auction that will not disappoint. So, invite your friends, throw a social ...

About Patrick J. Kennedy

During his 16 years in the U.S. House of Representatives, serving Rhode Island’s First Congressional District, Patrick J. Kennedy authored the landmark Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act, which requires insurers to cover treatment for mental health and substance use disorders no more restrictively than treatment for illnesses of the body, such as diabetes and cancer. In 2013, he founded The Kennedy Forum, a nonprofit that unites advocates, business leaders, and government agencies to advance evidence-based practices, policies, and programming in mental health and addiction. In 2015, Kennedy co-authored the New York Times ...

Gordon McLaughlin

Providing our communities with adequate mental health services is essential to the work I have done as a prosecutor to keep our community safe. Behavioral health is not just a social justice issue, it is a criminal justice issue too and it is about time the law enforcement community participates in solutions. Far too often we see folks entering the criminal justice system due to mental health struggles. Many times, involvement with the courts becomes cyclical because we do not provide access to appropriate resources that address the root causes of their actions. Here, in the 8th Judicial District, these concerns have never been properly addressed. I ...

Colorado Suicide Hotline Calls Spike During Covid-19 Pandemic

September 11, 2020 Originally appeared in New 99.1 Country Thursday, September 10 is World Suicide Prevention Day and the suicide prevention hotline is 800 -273 -8355. When the pandemic hit, Colorado recorded a 40% decrease in suicides in March and April, as reported by the Denver Post. However, later on, calls to the suicide prevention hotline spiked by 48%. According to Mental Health Colorado, our state consistently has one of the highest suicide rates in the country. Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in America with  Colorado in the top third percent for suicide. Read the full article

End shame and discrimination

Sept. 9, 2020 Jacob was once ashamed of admitting that he had autism and depression. “There was a moment when I decided I wasn’t going to tell people I had it,” said Jacob. “I wanted to be held to high expectations—the same as anyone else. And I think in that, I squandered an opportunity to be true to myself.” None of us is immune to mental health or substance use concerns, and we should never have to feel ashamed of the state of our mental health. Mental Health Colorado works every day to end shame and discrimination associated with mental health. We will premiere Jacob’s powerful story at our 38th Annual ...

Matthew Menza

Colorado is 27th in the nation for Mental Health Funding, 7th in the nation for suicide and currently number 1 for teen suicide. This is unacceptable! This is my highest priority when elected: to increase access to mental health funding, to help nonprofits that provide help to at-risk teens, to ensure we have a comprehensive mental health system in place so people are receiving care that will result in long term mental health success vice short term quick fixes that don't address underlying mental health issues. We need to set attainable goals for Colorado starting with moving Colorado to 20th in the nation for funding. Please look up my other mental ...

Guns Killed Four Times More People of Color Than Whites in Colorado

September 9, 2020 By: Michael Roberts Originally appeared in Westword Guns don't discriminate. They're capable of killing anyone, no matter their age, gender or physical characteristics. But in Colorado, they're far more deadly to people of color. During the first eight months of 2020, during which ninety people were killed by firearms in Colorado, around three-quarters of the victims were people of color, according to the National Gun Violence Memorial. This percentage is far from what would be expected given Colorado's demographics. As of July 2019, the U.S. Census Bureau put the category described as "White alone, not Hispanic or ...