1046 results for author: Mental Health Colorado
Perry Will
I support all aspects of mental health and especially the needs in rural Colorado, my voting record will support that fact. I have been a strong advocate for mental health awareness and needs. Very active in getting Telehealth needs met especially when it comes to behavioral health.
Comunidades LGBQT+ y la Salud Mental
Salud Mental Colorado, o Mental Health Colorado en inglés, cree que el amor es amor, y que el amor es una de las mejores medicinas que tenemos para apoyar a la salud a través de la vida. Estamos comprometidos a perseguir la equidad para todos los de Colorado, especialmente a aquellos que históricamente han sido y actualmente permanecen descuidados y oprimidos por cuenta de su orientación sexual, identidad de género, o expresión de género.
Los individuos lesbianos, gay, bisexuales, transgénero, queer o cuestionando (LGBTQ+) enfrentan estigma y discriminación, y en veces – más dolorosamente – entre sus propias familias. ...
Meg Fossinger
I have worked in the social work field for nearly 15 years, serving the most vulnerable in our community. One of the things that inspired me to run is the challenges in accessing services and resources. We often talk about the need for additional mental health services, and that is absolutely the case, but we also must address the systemic problems that often trigger or exacerbate mental health challenges.
Evidence shows that early intervention is key and I support increasing funding to our schools to allow them to provide the needed support to our children. For adults and children, I am focused on increasing access to evidence-based programs that ...
Rhonda Fields
Mental Health Matters
Personal Statement - Rhonda Fields
June 2020
My name is Rhonda Fields and I have been serving the State of Colorado for 10 years as a public servant. Currently a State Senator representing Arapahoe County, Aurora, Senate District 29.
Here's my personal statement on mental health:
Healthcare is a human right and mental health is just as important as physical health. I believe that everyone at risk for mental illnesses should receive early and effective interventions. However, historically, communities of color experience unique and considerable challenges in accessing mental health services. My desire is to increase access to ...
Naquetta Ricks
Beyond a doubt, we need to address the mental health issues that are core issues of many of our societal problems. Whether it is substance abuse, educational failures, prison reform and/or family dysfunction--most societal issues are originating from mental health concerns.
Addressing these problems as close to inception is societally and financially a dramatic savings over providing these services later. And the human savings is incalculable. We need to be dedicated as representatives of our population to be supportive of legislation that strongly addresses these underlying issues.
Unmasking the debate: A look at the psychology behind mask wearing
By: Kari Harden
Originally appeared in The Steamboat Pilot
STEAMBOAT SPRINGS — There is something unique about the intensity of the debate around mask wearing during a pandemic, and there are strong opinions on both sides about the efficacy of masks, the social responsibility of mask wearing and the role of personal freedom.
Whereas in many other countries mask wearing during a pandemic isn’t given a second thought, in recent months, it has become a trigger point in Routt County and across the U.S. — inciting outrage, and in some instances, even violence between those who are asking others to wear masks and those who refuse.
In Steamboat ...
Carlos Lopez
Mental health is something that has been neglected for way too long in our country and especially in rural Colorado. We all too often criminalize those who need treatment and eventually have interactions with the law. We have an ever growing homeless population that is often left to fend for themselves, yet our biggest complaints come from those who don't want to spend any funds to alleviate the issues that lead to vagrancy. And lastly, we don't have specialists in our schools who will catch these behaviors, work with our students exhibiting traits of onset of mental health issues and ultimately set them on the path for productive learning.
We ...
Hans Hochheimer
I learned that you need to ask the right question when you want to find solutions to a problem. So, the question is why do we suddenly have such an increase concerning mental health problems? I still don't have an answer, but I know that band aid solutions will not solve the problem, nor putting more money in to continue band aid solutions.
So, what would I do, when I am elected. I would find people who don't have financial interests in any kind of solutions and try to find an answer to this question above. Then, I would work to find real solutions and get the means to establish them.
Meg Froelich
These are difficult times for many Coloradans and we must place Mental Health as a priority in our community. With suicide as the leading cause of death for our youth, I believe in funding mental health professionals in our schools, addressing gun violence, school safety and educating adults on the particular mental and behavioral health challenges facing our youth. I sponsor Mental Health First Aid classes in my District and have hosted several Town Halls on the topic. In 2019 I sponsored an important bill providing wrap around pediatric behavioral and mental health services (SB19-195.) We just passed a bill on Coronavirus Relief Funds for Mental ...
Donna Morganstern
Mental health issues have reached a critical point for children and youth, who face huge challenges in our culture of bullying, internet and social media, academic demands, peer pressure, and substance abuse. It is not surprising so many suffer emotional and mental health issues. It is surprising that we do not provide nearly sufficient resources to deal with these issues in where they spend most of their time, with hundreds of others their age with the same issues, and where most of these pressures come to bear--school. Colorado has become the “poster child” for school shootings, with one of the highest teen suicide rates.
I support ...