1046 results for author: Mental Health Colorado
Mary Parker
Good mental health is a critical part of a healthy body. It is at the heart of a safe and loving family environment where children can grow and thrive. For 13 years, I have been a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) for neglected and abused children in Jefferson County. In my experience, at least one parent in most dysfunctional families is experiencing issues with mental health. If a parent is not able to successfully navigate their own life, they are unable to be a good role model or adequately care for their children. As a State Representative, I will advocate for more mental health resources, easier access to them, and the inclusion ...
¿Los candidatos en su boleto van a hacer esto bien?
La salud mental le importa. Debe de importarle a sus oficiales electos.
No podemos aprobar de candidatos en Mental Health Colorado (Salud Mental Colorado). Pero si les podemos preguntar sobre sus posiciones. Queremos que todos los votantes de Colorado tengan confianza que sus lideres nos van a guiar en la dirección correcta en cuanto a la salud mental.
Les preguntamos a todos los que están buscando una posición en la legislatura estatal, junta de educación, y el fiscal de sus prioridades para apoyar la salud mental de la comunidad que quieren representar. Creamos un estrado para que usted aprenda más sobre cada candidato.
Todos los ...
Randi McCallian
Our overall health, our happiness and wellbeing in life, is made up of many moving, and interconnected parts. These parts cannot be separated from one another because they are ALL part of the whole-being, of what makes up you; one of these critical parts is our mental health. I learned this so deeply while working through and facing my own anxiety and depression, particularly after having children.
I have a Master’s Degree in Public Health and I value how interconnected all pieces of our lives are to our personal wellbeing. My decades-long service in Community and Family Health, working closely with children and new parents, counseling and ...
Lisa Escárcega
Hello, my name is Lisa Escárcega, I am running for the State Board of Education (SBoE), District 1. Growing up while experiencing poverty and foster care, I was fortunate to have teachers who were able to see me and provide the referrals and supports I needed. I went on to become the first in my family to receive a four-year degree, followed by a masters and doctorate. I am running for the SBoE to bring a strong, informed and unapologetic K-12 voice back to the board.
After three decades of work as a School Psychologist and educator, I know firsthand the importance of mental health and the positive outcomes that can happen when individuals and ...
Stephanie Vigil
Mental health matters are very close to me. As a survivor of childhood abuse, and subsequent mental illness in my early adulthood, I’m keenly aware of just how badly we as a society are failing those who live with these invisible struggles. Several years ago I went into long term recovery from a series of mental health crises, but only because a few critical components came together for me at the last minute: namely Social Security Disability Insurance, and some support from family. That combination was so healing for me, I’m now off of the SSDI, and taking up new challenges and adventures that I never would have thought were possible before.
Colin Wilhelm
Northwest Colorado is dramatically lacking in access to mental health care, this is something that I will tackle head on. Currently there is only one inpatient facility to with staff and equipment around to treat our citizens. Police, teachers, and family medical providers are the ill-equipped front line in mental health treatment. I have plans to change this. First, I want to increase funding for mental health care treatment throughout Colorado. Second, we need to make sure that all medical insurance covers mental health care treatment. These two will begin to expand access to health care immediately for those that need it. Third we need to ...
Braden Angel
My office will not only effectively prosecute crime. We will create a culturally-responsive,
victim-centered, and trauma-informed environment that prioritizes respect, competence, and
equity. I value the importance of social determinants of health. These factors are uniquely tied to
root causes of crime. In addition to prosecuting crime, the DA’s office has an obligation to
engage in outreach, stigma reduction, and community prevention efforts that ultimately reduce
incidence of crime. My office will prioritize treatment over incarceration. This includes
behavioral health and substance abuse treatment. Further, the DA’s office must actively ...
Dylan Roberts
Supporting mental health with bold policy and sustained funding will continue to be a priority for me should I be re-elected as a State Representative. In my three years at the Capitol, I know we have made significant progress on this vital issue. I was proud to be a prime co-sponsor of the Youth Mental Health Education and Suicide Prevention Act of 2019 (HB19-1120) and have been the co-sponsor of other efforts like mental health insurance parity, drug possession de-felonization, to name a few.
However, I also realize that as a resident of rural Colorado, I have the dubious distinction of representing some of the counties in Colorado with the ...
Brianna Titone
Mental health has been one of my priorities in the Legislature. When I learned about the problems Colorado faces with suicide, substance abuse, and depression, I wanted to be part of the solution. I have been promoting Mental Health First Aid in my district and through legislation for teachers and other professions. I have been making the safe2tell program work more efficiently for schools. And I've been working on ways to promote the mental health resources we have to the general public through targeted ways to reduce stigma about getting help for everyone. I plan to continue being a champion for mental health in Colorado. There are many things we ...
Dustin Bishop
Mental health is a very important issue in our communities today. Especially with the recent COVID-19 epidemic, I fear that mental health is going to become an even more serious problem. God created humans to be social, in the garden of Eden God said that "It is not good for man to be alone" so he created Adam a helper, a companion, a friend. With our current state, and the fact that we are not able to socialize it is extremely important to check on the mental health of those you care about. One statistic that is always shocking to me is the teen suicide rate. Our children are hurting and they are not finding anywhere to turn other than to end ...