1041 results for author: Mental Health Colorado

Colin Wilhelm

Northwest Colorado is dramatically lacking in access to mental health care, this is something that I will tackle head on. Currently there is only one inpatient facility to with staff and equipment around to treat our citizens. Police, teachers, and family medical providers are the ill-equipped front line in mental health treatment.  I have plans to change this. First, I want to increase funding for mental health care treatment throughout Colorado. Second, we need to make sure that all medical insurance covers mental health care treatment. These two will begin to expand access to health care immediately for those that need it. Third we need to ...

Braden Angel

My office will not only effectively prosecute crime. We will create a culturally-responsive, victim-centered, and trauma-informed environment that prioritizes respect, competence, and equity. I value the importance of social determinants of health. These factors are uniquely tied to root causes of crime. In addition to prosecuting crime, the DA’s office has an obligation to engage in outreach, stigma reduction, and community prevention efforts that ultimately reduce incidence of crime. My office will prioritize treatment over incarceration. This includes behavioral health and substance abuse treatment. Further, the DA’s office must actively ...

Dylan Roberts

Supporting mental health with bold policy and sustained funding will continue to be a priority for me should I be re-elected as a State Representative. In my three years at the Capitol, I know we have made significant progress on this vital issue. I was proud to be a prime co-sponsor of the Youth Mental Health Education and Suicide Prevention Act of 2019 (HB19-1120) and have been the co-sponsor of other efforts like mental health insurance parity, drug possession de-felonization, to name a few. However, I also realize that as a resident of rural Colorado, I have the dubious distinction of representing some of the counties in Colorado with the ...

Brianna Titone

Mental health has been one of my priorities in the Legislature. When I learned about the problems Colorado faces with suicide, substance abuse, and depression, I wanted to be part of the solution. I have been promoting Mental Health First Aid in my district and through legislation for teachers and other professions. I have been making the safe2tell program work more efficiently for schools. And I've been working on ways to promote the mental health resources we have to the general public through targeted ways to reduce stigma about getting help for everyone. I plan to continue being a champion for mental health in Colorado. There are many things we ...

Dustin Bishop

Mental health is a very important issue in our communities today.   Especially with the recent COVID-19 epidemic, I fear that mental health is going to become an even more serious problem. God created humans to be social, in the garden of Eden God said that "It is not good for man to be alone" so he created Adam a helper, a companion, a friend. With our current state, and the fact that we are not able to socialize it is extremely important to check on the mental health of those you care about. One statistic that is always shocking to me is the teen suicide rate.  Our children are hurting and they are not finding anywhere to turn other than to end ...

Judy Amabile

I am a lifelong Democrat who has lived in Colorado for almost 50 years. In the last 25 years, I raised three sons, owned and operated a successful manufacturing business (Polar Bottle), and advocated for the things I care about. One of my sons has a serious mental illness. Like far too many parents, I know the despair of trying to access mental health services in a broken system. The costs and consequences are devastating to people, families, and society at large. We must address the stigma and shame of mental illness. Mental illness is not a character flaw. Period. People with mental illness should not be jailed or left to fend for themsel...

Donald Valdez

Every individual should have access to high-quality, mental healthcare services. Our emotional and psychological wellbeing impact our mood, decision making process, ability, to handle stress, and can have implications, for our physical well-being. Not addressing underlying mental health issues can lead to anxiety, substance abuse, depression, and a host of other debilitating conditions. It is essential that we continue to de stigmatized mental illness and ensure that everyone has access to treatment.

Holly Herson

My passion for mental health policy is the driving force behind my decision to run for office. When my father died by suicide in 2009 I made the decision to double down and make a difference; I returned to school to study public policy, volunteered with organizations, candidates, and initiative groups who were focused on mental health policy change. Access to mental health services in schools and in primary healthcare offices is the way we are going to remove stigma and taboo surrounding mental healthcare. We need to flip the narrative. Mental healthcare is wellness care. Suicide rates in men over age 50 are soaring, and I believe it is direc...

Tracey Bernett

I believe there should be parity in access, treatment and funding of both mental and physical health. The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed not only the shortfalls in our healthcare systems, such as healthcare being tied to jobs, but also how critical access to mental healthcare is for many people weathering this crisis. We must continue to do the hard work of reducing the stigma of mental illness. Education is imperative to building more awareness, and that’s something I’m committed to during my campaign and if elected to State House. I am also committed to fight for increased funding for mental health services, and will work to strengthen requirem...

Steven Paletz

The recent challenges presented by COVID-19 emphasize the importance of access to quality mental health care for all Coloradans. This issue remains a top priority for my work in the legislature and is necessary to ensure the full recovery of all Coloradans.   The isolation requirements necessary to combat COVID-19 have exacerbated mental health care challenges, even for those that never contract or know anyone that contracts the virus. The lack of in-person socialization, and/or solitary isolation, places an extreme amount of stress and often creates or worsens mental health challenges. I am prepared to not only address recovery for the physical ...