1041 results for author: Mental Health Colorado

`In This Together’ initiative helps build social closeness

Posted on the Wheatridge Transcript Staff report Mental Health Colorado program helps Coloradans connect The coronavirus pandemic has driven home the message that our physical and mental health are not separate. To combat the loneliness, isolation and stress, and to get through the pandemic with healthier minds, Mental Health Colorado has started “In This Together” as a way for Coloradans to connect with people and just to chat, according to a news release. Residents can sign up on Mental Health Colorado's website, and they will receive a supportive call just for the therapeutic sake of old-fashioned conversation. “As a society, we ...

`In This Together’ initiative helps build social closeness

Originally appeared on the Westminster Window Mental Health Colorado program helps Coloradans connect Staff report The coronavirus pandemic has driven home the message that our physical and mental health are not separate. To combat the loneliness, isolation and stress, and to get through the pandemic with healthier minds, Mental Health Colorado has started “In This Together” as a way for Coloradans to connect with people and just to chat, according to a news release. Residents can sign up on Mental Health Colorado's website, and they will receive a supportive call just for the therapeutic sake of old-fashioned conversation. “As a ...

Mental Health Colorado starts initiative for Coloradans to connect with friends, allies, and neighbors across the state

“In This Together” initiative will help build social closeness as we maintain social distancing guidelines DENVER— This is undoubtedly one of the most stressful times imaginable for many. This pandemic drives the message home that our physical health and our mental health are not separate. To combat feelings of loneliness, isolation, and stress, and to get through this pandemic with healthier minds, Mental Health Colorado started “In This Together” as a way to connect people with people—and just to chat. People can sign up on Mental Health Colorado’s website and they will receive a friendly, supportive call just for the therapeutic ...

Feeling Lonely, Disconnected During The Coronavirus Pandemic? You’re Not Alone

Originally appeared on CBSDenver  

Mental Health Colorado starts new initiative to combat feelings of loneliness, isolation and stress

By: Tony Keith Originally appeared on KKTV DENVER (KKTV) - A new initiative in Colorado is hoping to help combat feelings of loneliness, isolation, and stress during a pandemic through something as simple as a conversation. Mental Health Colorado announced the "In This Together" initiative on Wednesday. The campaign hopes to connect people with people. Those who want to take part can sign up on Mental Health Colorado’s website by clicking here and they will receive a friendly, supportive call just for the therapeutic sake of old-fashioned conversation. “As a society, we shouldn’t have settled on the term ‘social distancing,’ ...

Feeling lonely during the pandemic? Mental Health Colorado offers good old-fashioned conversation

By: Anusha Roy Originally appeared on 9News

Budget cuts could undermine behavioral health progress, especially for at-risk demographics

By: Faith Miller Originally appeared in the Colorado Springs Independent Colorado lawmakers and budget staff have a grueling task ahead of them: accounting for a projected $3.3 billion budget shortfall due to the economic downturn occasioned by the COVID-19 pandemic. Draft budget proposals prepared by Joint Budget Committee staff show that no department will emerge unscathed. One area that’s particularly vulnerable is behavioral health care. The sector, which encompasses treatment for mental health and substance use disorders, has been a priority for both major parties at the state Capitol in recent years. Mental health advocates fear that ...

La Segunda Pandemia

Hablé con un oficial de policía la semana pasada y le pregunté sobre la salud mental en su condado. Me dio tristeza su respuesta, pero tampoco me sorprendió: las llamadas de sobredosis por opioides han aumentado bastante. Todavía no sabemos cuánto la pandemia va afectar a nuestra salud mental durante el resto del año y más allá, pero sí sabemos que las llamadas de crisis han aumentado un 47%. Aun cuando partes del estado de nuevo abren sus puertas erráticamente para los negocios, arriesgándose a una nueva oleada de infecciones si no se siguen las precauciones prescritas con respecto a la ciencia, muchos de nosotros, si no ya lo hemos ...

Ursula’s Story

Imagine you’re about to rent an apartment. You have all your paperwork and your deposit ready to go. And then, the renters tell you they won’t let you live there because you committed a crime ten years ago. That’s the devastating rejection Ursula Furse faced countless times as she transitioned from the criminal justice system into society. Ursula is a person in recovery, a mother, a survivor of domestic violence, and has been in and out of jail for 20 years. She has 11 years of sobriety. Ursula has experienced situational depression, PTSD, and ADHD. She states that these are not her struggles anymore—they are her strengths. She has ...

Gardner’s national 9-8-8 suicide hotline bill passes Senate

May 15, 2020 By: Anusha Roy, Dacia Johnson Originally appeared on 9News U.S. Sen. Cory Gardner (R-CO), introduced this bipartisan legislation with Senators Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), Jerry Moran (R-KS), and Jack Reed (D-RI).   WASHINGTON — A bill that would designate 9-8-8 as a national suicide prevention and mental health crisis hotline unanimously passed the Senate on Wednesday. U.S. Sen. Cory Gardner (R-CO), introduced this bipartisan legislation with Senators Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), Jerry Moran (R-KS), and Jack Reed (D-RI). "We lose a Coloradan to death by suicide on average every ...