1041 results for author: Mental Health Colorado
In this together
May 8, 2020
Many of us are reluctant to rely on others for help, but everyone needs a team of supporters. If you’re feeling stressed or lonely and just need someone to chat with, we want you to know we’re right there with you.
Mental Health Colorado initiated In This Together to provide a little bit of social contact for you by phone. So if you’re struggling right now, complete this form and we’ll reach out to you as soon as possible just to talk!
And as always, if you do feel you need additional support, visit our resource page at mentalhealthcolorado.org. If you are more seriously concerned about your own ...
Juntos en esto
Muchos de nosotros somos reticentes a confiar en los demás por ayuda, pero todos necesitamos un equipo de apoyo. Si se siente estresado o aislado y solo necesita alguien con quien platicar, queremos que sepa que estamos aquí para usted.
Salud Mental Colorado (Mental Health Colorado) empezó Juntos en esto para hacer disponible un poco de contacto social para usted por teléfono. Entonces si está pasando por tiempos difíciles ahorita, complete este formulario y nos pondremos en contracto con usted lo mas ante posible no más para platicar!
Y como siempre, si se siente que necesita más apoyo, visite nuestra pagina de ...
Colorado Crisis Services gets record-breaking number of calls during pandemic
By: Anusha Roy
Originally appeared on 9News
DENVER — The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) said the Colorado Crisis Services line had a record-breaking volume on inquiries in February, March and April of this year.
In March, the crisis line received 20,000 calls, texts and chat requests for mental health services, up 47% compared to March 2019. In April, that number dipped a bit to 17,772.
In an email, the state said they do know many community-level risk factors are on the rise. Through April, 60% of the calls were COVID-19 related, including topics linked to financial and relationship stressors, anxiety, ...
Pandemic poses challenges for youth mental health
By: Faith Miller
Originally appeared in the Colorado Springs Independent
It’s not just missing out on big events — senior prom, championship games and graduation — that makes the COVID-19 pandemic difficult for teens stuck at home, says 18-year-old Kaihosha Hooper, a senior at Doherty High School.“It’s also just the small interactions, as well, that I think a lot of people have been missing,” Hooper says. “It’s really weird just being at home and not being able to see your friends every day or talk to your teachers in person.”
As a member of the Pikes Peak Suicide Prevention Partnership’s teen board, Hooper’s well-versed ...
We can’t do it without you
These are challenging times for nonprofits, as they are for many individuals and industries. But with your help, the pandemic won’t keep Mental Health Colorado from working toward a strong start for all of Colorado’s children, disentangling mental health and criminal justice, making sure all Coloradans can access affordable mental health or substance use care, and ending shame and discrimination.
Stepping forward together, we can be stronger and better than before and create healthier minds across the lifespan.
Today is Giving Tuesday Now, a new global day of giving to respond to unprecedented need. We hope you will give ...
Mental Health Needs Growing During Coronavirus Pandemic
By: Jamie Leary
Originally appeared on CBS4
DENVER (CBS4) – Colorado hospitals have been ready for a second wave of critical coronavirus patients for months. While this has been the primary focus of health care needs, there’s another surge the industry is concerned about: mental health.
“We’ve been hearing a lot of speculation that this current coronavirus pandemic might be followed by a second wave, which is a mental health pandemic associated with prolonged isolation as well as with the various impacts on our economy that this is having,” said Vincent Atchity, President and CEO of Mental Health Colorado.
He says it’s ...
No lo podemos hacer sin usted
Estos son tiempos difíciles para las organizaciones sin fines de lucro, igual que son para muchos individuos e industrias. Pero con su ayuda, la pandemia no va a parar a Salud Mental Colorado de trabajar hacia un fuerte comienzo para todos los niños de Colorado, desenredar la salud mental del sistema de justicia criminal, y asegurar que todos los de Colorado tienen acceso a tratamiento asequible para la salud mental y del consumo de sustancias, y terminar con la vergüenza y discriminación.
Hoy es Dando el martes, o Giving Tuesday Now, un nuevo día global de entrega para responder a una necesidad no vista. Esperemos que ...
Stepping Forward Together: Mental Health Matters
Today, Mental Health Colorado is declaring May as Mental Health Month.
The pandemic has shaken everyone in the world and left us in unimagined circumstances. Together, we’ve put our entire system on hold for the purpose of saving lives. It’s a tribute to what we can accomplish when our mental health is strong. We’ve taken physical distancing and turned it into social solidarity. And that is a great triumph of a healthy mind.
We are excited to announce the 2020 Mental Health Month theme—Stepping Forward Together: Mental Health Matters. Please follow us on Facebook as we hear from mental health allies, including Lt. Gov. Dianne Primav...
COVID-19’s toll on mental health: Aspen and state experts discuss pandemic’s effect on our collective psyche
May 3, 2020
By: Andre Salvail
Originally appeared in the Aspen Daily News
Mental health professionals from Denver to Glenwood Springs to Aspen say there was a slowdown in the demand for therapy just after the onset of the COVID-19 crisis seven weeks ago.
But, they also point out, demand began rising in April, and even busier times may lie just around the corner for counselors as local governments lift stay-at-home restrictions, more businesses reopen and individuals attempt to navigate their way through the uncertain landscape of a “new normal” way of life created by the global pandemic.
Friday not only was the first day of May, it ...
‘Prolonged Uncertainty’ Continues For Coloradans As Mental Health Awareness Month Kicks Off During Coronavirus Pandemic
May 1, 2020
By: Mekialaya White
Originally appeared in CBS Denver
DENVER (CBS4) – It’s been nearly two months since the first confirmed case of coronavirus in Colorado, and the current crisis is affecting daily life in profound ways. It’s taking its toll on mental health, and state leaders want to illuminate the topic so Coloradans know they’re not alone in their fight.
On Friday at noon, Attorney General Phil Weiser, Lt. Gov. Dianne Primavera, Mental Health Colorado President & CEO Vincent Atchity, state Rep. Lois Landgraf and state Sen. Pete Lee were scheduled to hold a virtual proclamation for Mental Health Awareness ...