1041 results for author: Mental Health Colorado
Como vamos a salir adelante…
Nosotros preguntamos. Ustedes contestaron.
¿Qué está haciendo para cuidar de su salud mental?
“Es buen tiempo de hablarle a los familiares distantes y enterarse de como los antepasados de uno sobrevivieron por momentos difíciles. A los niños les encanta escuchar más sobre quiénes son y de cuales estados/países viene su gente.”
-Mary Ellen
“Toque mi guitarra por primera vez en años. Tengo la fortuna de todavía tener un trabajo donde puedo trabajar desde casa, entonces he donado lo que he podido y cada día hago una lista de lo que estoy agradecida.”
“Siendo una persona “con muchos ...
Mental health is the next coronavirus wave
April 5, 2020
By: Joey Bunch
The cost of the pandemic that can’t be calculated is the mental illness toll.
While policymakers and the private sector sort out the debris of the global coronavirus tragedy, the mental health of many will factor heavily into the losses, as certainly as a washed-out bridge in a flood.
When this gets sorted out, you can count on the influence of state Rep. Jonathan Singer, a Democrat from Longmont, a social worker by training and a man I know to be of remarkable compassion and character. He is hosting a series of weekly webinars on the needs.
Read the full article in The Gazette
The second pandemic, mental illness, could come roaring at us as the COVID-19 virus spreads
April 1, 2020
By: Pam Zubeck
Originally appeared in the Colorado Springs Indy
‘I’M SUPER STRESSED RIGHT NOW. Everything’s stressful.” That was a text message from a friend that lit up my phone on March 22. The COVID-19 virus was invading the country, and Colorado already reported nearly 600 positive cases and six deaths.
Things would get worse in the days to come.
But already people were grasping for ways to anchor their psyches in a time when everything is out of whack. Many fled their offices to work from home. Schools were dismissed. Events canceled. Restaurants closed except for carry-out orders.
Hordes of shoppers made ...
COVID-19: Mental health and physical health are not two separate things
By: Vincent Atchity
Statement appeared in the Pagosa Sun
Mental Health Colorado President and CEO Vincent Atchity released the following statement:
If you’ve ever doubted that mental health and physical health are closely related, you’re probably not so doubtful anymore.
As we learn about more cases of COVID-19 and all the measures that are being taken all over the world, you may find yourself growing increasingly anxious. Our mental health and physical health are not two separate things.
Some anxiety is normal, especially in times like these. But we need to be careful not to let our anxiety get the better of us. Our anxiety has an ...
Mental health care in Colorado has gone virtual thanks to coronavirus. For some patients, it’s long overdue.
March 30, 2020
By: Jennifer Brown
Community mental health clinics are still open during the pandemic, but therapists are meeting with clients in privacy-protected online sessions.
eby Williamson used to take note of her clients’ body language and the vibe that filled the room when they came to see her for mental health therapy. That’s not happening now, since she meets them via computer.
Williamson, a licensed clinical social worker in private practice in Colorado Springs, is one of thousands of mental health professionals in Colorado who have switched to telemental health in the current age of isolation because of the new coronavirus. ...
ESSAY: Don’t Let Anxiety Get the Best of You
March 30, 2020
Posted By: The Pagosa Daily Post
Author: Vincent Atchity
If you’ve ever doubted that mental health and physical health are closely related, you’re probably not so doubtful anymore.
As we learn about more cases of COVID-19 and all the measures that are being taken all over the world, you may find yourself growing increasingly anxious. Our mental health and physical health are not two separate things.
Some anxiety is normal, especially in times like these. But we need to be careful not to let our anxiety get the better of us. Our anxiety has an influence on everyone around us, especially children. Use conversations with ...
Importance of learning to ‘mentally and emotionally pace’ yourself as you social distance
March 28, 2020
By: Jordan Chavez
Originally appeared on 9News
Many people are feeling overwhelmed by the outbreak and the constant stream of news about the novel coronavirus.
DENVER — Mental health care providers say they're seeing a surge in patients due to fear surrounding COVID-19.
Many are feeling overwhelmed by the outbreak and the constant stream of news about the novel coronavirus. One factor behind their concerns is that no one, not even medical professionals, have an idea when life will return to normal.
9NEWS expert Psychologist Dr. Max Wachtel said that's why learning to mentally and emotionally pace yourself is key.
No one said it’d be easy…
It’s an age-old classic of American folklore that grandparents used to get an eye roll from their children by saying things like: “You know, when I was your age I used to have to walk three miles to school, in the snow, barefoot!”
Every generation has trials to face and challenges to overcome. My grandmother used to say: “No one ever said that life was going to be easy.” As a kid, hearing about how your elders had to walk to school barefoot in the snow may not have seemed very helpful. But the point of the storytelling was to share the perspective and convey the understanding that life will bring big challenges. Those challenges, and ...
Nadie dijo que sería fácil…
Es un clásico antiguo del folklore en que los nietos ponen los ojos en blanco cuando los abuelos dicen cosas como: “Cuando tenía tu edad, tenía que caminar tres millas hasta la escuela en la nieve, ¡descalzo! "
Cada generación tiene que enfrentar pruebas y superar retos. Mi abuela solía decir: "Nadie dijo que la vida sería fácil.” Como niño, a lo mejor no parecía tan útil tener que escuchar cómo sus mayores tenían que caminar descalzos a la escuela en la nieve. Pero el propósito de estos cuentos eran de compartir la perspectiva y el conocimiento que la vida va a traer grandes retos. Estos retos, y ...