1041 results for author: Mental Health Colorado

Algún tipo de héroe 

Durante los ultimos días, he revisado libros viejos de anecdotas similares a lo que estamos viviendo actualmente.   Lo que es obvio en estas historias – igual a nuestras propias experiencias – es que en el contexto de una pandemia, nuestra supervivencia y bienestar pide un heroísmo diferente. En vez del típico héroe, la mayoría de los héroes que necesitamos para vencer a la pandemia es un ideal equipo colectivo, que se queda adentro, practica la paciencia, y provee apoyo y ánimo desde la distancia, y valientemente lucha en contra del aislamiento y la interrupción a la rutina.   Entre tanto, ...

Some kind of hero

March 23, 2020 Over the past few days, I’ve looked through some old books that present accounts of living through experiences that are somewhat comparable to what we’re all going through now. What becomes apparent in stories—as well as in our own lived experience—is that in the context of a pandemic, our survival and wellbeing call for a very different kind of heroism. Rather than the traditional sort of hero, most of the heroes we need to defeat the pandemic are a kind of dream-team collective who stay inside, practice patience, provide support and encouragement from a distance, and wrestle bravely with isolation and the ...

With uptick in ‘anxiety, hopelessness,’ local experts offer advice, resources for mental health

March 23, 2020 By: Grant Stringer Originally appeared in the Sentinel Colorado AURORA | As the pandemic and financial woes create more anxiety in Aurora and across the region, mental health experts say residents can maintain sanity with at-home strategies and resources. Care providers at the Aurora Mental Health Center, which runs clinics and therapy sessions for Aurora residents, are working overtime with patients through video and phone links, said Chief Medical Officer Anne Garrett-Mills. “Stress from of all of the sudden life changes, loss of income and financial uncertainties for many, lack of clarity around the rationale for dramatic ...

Social distancing could drag on for months in Colorado. How will we stay sane?

March 23, 2020 By: Kevin Simpson Vincent Atchity found himself in the near-constant company of his family this week as he worked from home in his role as president and CEO of the advocacy group Mental Health Colorado.  At one point, he half-jokes, he had to hide in the basement from his two kids, 7 and 9, to get things done. His wife also works remotely and together they’ve taken on another task, essentially home-schooling the kids during a day that hasn’t stretched to meet the challenge of school closings. Welcome to life in the time of the coronavirus pandemic, when measures to blunt the spread of COVID-19, the disease caused by the ...

Mental health and COVID-19: Practice kindness, connect with others, journal

March 22, 2020 By: Jessica Gibbs Originally appeared in the Highlands Ranch Herald With a global pandemic closing schools, businesses, entire communities and threatening people's livelihoods in addition to their health, it can be difficult to stifle the anxiety, stress and fear coming with the crisis. “I think the public is very scared and I think that there's a lot of fear and anxiety because there's so much uncertainty,” said Cynthia Grant, chief clinical officer for AllHealth Network, a behavioral health nonprofit offering services throughout the Denver metro area. Vincent Atchity, president and CEO of the statewide nonprofit Mental ...

The exact opposite of social distancing…

March 19, 2020 As we all know so well now, effective disease prevention demands that we stop gathering in crowds, that we work and study remotely, and that we create some health-preserving space between ourselves and others. The expectation is that physical distance will keep the virus from spreading so quickly. So, physical distancing, yes please! But social distancing? I don’t know why we all settled on that term so quickly, but social distancing is the exact opposite of what’s best for our mental health right now. What we need is social closeness, solidarity, mutual support, and a confidence-building sense of ...

Lo opuesto del distanciamiento social…  

Como ya bien sabemos, una prevención eficaz de enfermedades demanda que paremos de reunirnos en multitudes, que trabajemos y estudiemos a distancia (si es posible), y de crear espacio para preservar nuestra salud entre nosotros y otros. La expectativa es que esta distancia física pare el virus de difundirse tan rápido.   Entonces, ¡si por favor al distanciamiento físico! ¿Pero al distanciamiento social?   No sé por qué decidimos en esta frase tan rápido, pero el distanciamiento social es exactamente lo opuesto a lo que necesitamos para nuestra salud mental ahorita. Lo que necesitamos es la cercanía social, ...

We Know You’re Stressed. Here Are Some Tips For Managing Anxiety During An Outbreak

March 19, 2020 By: KUNC's Colorado Edition With all the news about the spread of the novel coronavirus in our state and around the world, it's hard sometimes not to get a little bit anxious. KUNC's Colorado Edition spoke with Vincent Atchity, president and CEO of Mental Health Colorado, about how to maintain mental health during this stressful time. Erin O'Toole: There is a virus spreading around the world. What level of anxiety is considered healthy or normal at a time like this? Vincent Atchity: I think that almost any level of anxiety is considered normal at a time like this. These are unusual times. So no one should be surprised if ...

Mental health important during COVID-19 outbreak

March 29, 2020 By: Joe Vacarelli Originally appeared in The Sentinel As health and government officials ask the public not to gather in groups larger than 10 people during the COVID-19 outbreak, several organizations dealing with mental health services have made adjustments, canceling group therapies. But mental health services are still widely available throughout the Grand Valley and the state of Colorado. Providers also have advice on how to stay psychologically healthy during a stressful period. Mind Springs Health, which serves multiple counties in western Colorado, including Mesa County where its West Springs Hospital is located, ...

How to navigate your insurance and telemedicine for mental health

March 19, 2020 Originally appeared on 9News By: Anusha Roy Doctors and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment are encouraging people to use telehealth while they work to slow down the novel coronavirus. DENVER — Doctors and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) are encouraging people to use telehealth when they can to avoid a trip into the doctors office or clinic as they work to slow down the spread of COVID-19. People seeking care for their mental health had questions about insurance coverage. Here's what we found out: Medicare This week Medicare announced that it is ...