1041 results for author: Mental Health Colorado
Hoy es el día
Imagínese un Colorado donde hemos cortado las hospitalizaciones de las condiciones de la salud mental y los consumos de sustancias en mitad.
Imagínese un Colorado donde la fuerza laboral será suficientemente grande para ayudar todos que necesitan ayuda.
Imagínese un Colorado donde familias no necesitan malgastar sus ahorros en tratamientos para su salud mental o consumo de sustancias.
La sesión legislativa comienza hoy y tenemos una agenda ambiciosa.
¿Queres ayudar? ¡Unese con nosotros hoy!
Vincent Atchity
Presidente y CEO
SPECIAL REPORT: A look at Miami-Dade’s vaunted quest to decriminalize mental illness
December 29, 2019
By: Jakob Rodgers
MIAMI — Justin Volpe could hardly believe his eyes.
Strung out and delusional, gripped by a crippling psychosis, Volpe questioned if what he was seeing was real — was a fellow inmate in a Miami-area jail being bludgeoned by jail guards to within a whisper of his life?
But he had a hunch.
Read the full article in The Gazette
Legislative Preview | Mental health advocates assess gains, see ‘a long way to go’
December. 27, 2019
By: Ernest Luning
After steering numerous pieces of landmark legislation into law in the 2019 session, Colorado’s mental health care advocates are looking to close gaps in coverage and addr...........
Read the full article in Colorado Politics
40 horas
¿Dejar la azúcar? ¿Ahorrar dinero? ¿Leer más?
Esos son buenas resoluciones. Pero aquí tenemos uno que todos podemos poseer: mejorar la salud mental.
Con el nuevo año solo 40 horas de distancia, resolvemos desarrollar Colorado para ser unos de los estados más saludable de la nación. Únete con nosotros.
Hemos puesto una agenda ambiciosa para el año 2020: nuevas estrategias para preparar profesores a apoyar el bienestar mental de todos los estudiantes, expandir la capacidad de Colorado en proporcionar apoyos de calidad de la salud mental y consumo de sustancias, y enforzar la paridad de la salud mental. Pero necesitamos tu ayuda para ...
Coloradans concerned over impact of Obamacare ruling
December 19, 2019
By: Joey Bunch
Holding a sign saying "We Love ObamaCare" supporters of health care reform rally in front of the Supreme Court in Washington, Tuesday, March 27, 2012, as the court continued hearing arguments on the health care law signed by President Barack Obama. Go ahead, call it Obamacare. Obamaís re-election campaign has lifted an unofficial ban on using the oppositionís derisive term for his health care law. Democratic activists have been chanting, "We love Obamacare," in front of the Supreme Court. And the campaign is selling T-shirts and bumper stickers that proclaim: "I like Obamacare."
With ...
As the teen mental health epidemic escalates, emergency rooms get innovative and a for-profit hospital sees an opening
December 17, 2019
By: Jennifer Brown
Originally appeared in The Colorado Sun
A statewide review is attempting to pinpoint the gaps in care as one study finds kids go out of network up to 7 times more often for mental health care.
Colorado for decades has struggled with a shortage of mental health treatment options, but care for one age group in particular is most dire: teenagers.
The adolescent mental health epidemic is escalating — suicide is now the leading cause of death for Colorado teens — and the state’s emergency departments are inundated with young patients experiencing mental health crises.
Parents struggle ...
Lawmakers to debate if Coloradans in a mental health crisis should be charged with a felony if they hit police
December 17, 2019
By: Joe St. George
Originally appeared in Fox31
DENVER -- Colorado lawmakers will debate whether to defelonize a longstanding law that allows a person to be charged with a felony if they strike a police officer, correctional officer, EMT, firefighter, nurse or doctor during a mental health crisis.
Mental Health Colorado is pushing for a change in the statute believing someone shouldn't be put in jail for simply seeking health.
"Those enhanced charges have poor outcomes," Vincent Atchity with Mental Health Colorado said.
"People can be seeking health care and end up felons when they've never had any criminal ...
A long way
December 17, 2019
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We’ve come a long way, but we still have a long way to go.
Mental Health Colorado has come a long way since our founding in 1953. Just this year, our efforts and your support resulted in remarkable achievements—such as increasing funding for mental health and substance use care, helping over 1,000 schools implement a comprehensive mental health framework, and leading the fight for the enforcement of mental health parity.
Your dollars go a long way to support our work. The accomplishments listed above were not possible without the generous support of our donors. But we must ...
Un camino largo
Hemos recorrido un camino largo, pero todavía tenemos un gran camino por recorrer.
Mental Health Colorado ha recorrido un camino largo desde nuestra iniciación en 1953. En solo este año, nuestros esfuerzos y sus apoyos nos resultaron en logros notables - tales como aumentar los fondos para la salud mental y el consumo de sustancias, ayudando a más de 1,000 escuelas a implementar un marco de la salud mental integral y liderando la lucha por la aplicación de la paridad de salud mental.
Sus dólares son de gran ayuda para apoyar nuestro trabajo. Los logros enumerados anteriormente no fueron posibles sin el apoyo generoso de nuestros ...