1041 results for author: Mental Health Colorado
Months Before Controversial Gun Law Takes Effect, Colorado Sheriffs Continue To Resist
By: Leigh Paterson
July 2, 2019
On a chilly Friday night in Windsor, Colorado, the conservative, gun-loving rocker Ted Nugent entertained a crowd, talking about the Constitution, politics and freedom during a fundraising event for Weld County Sheriff Steve Reams.
“Well, well, well. What have we here? This must be real Colorado!” Nugent said to the crowd. “When I started coming here rockin’ and rollin’ in 1967… Boy, I was in Colorado, man! Ranching, rugged, individual-tough-s***-kicker Colorado! Now it’s like drooling hippie Boulder! What happened there?”
On promotional materials, the event was billed as an “American ...
Unmasked: A Masquerade Party Benefiting Mental Health Colorado
By: Terri Wiebold
July 1, 2019
To unmask something is to expose the true character of it or to reveal the hidden truth behind it. On June 22, the City of Castle Pines, in partnership with Mental Health Colorado, held its annual fundraiser, Unmasked: A Masquerade Party.
The evening, generously hosted by John and Angela Schmidt at Haven in the Pines, opened with three unnamed, masked individuals sharing the intimate details of their very personal struggles with mental health. The accounts were emotional and inspiring and culminated with the courageous unmasking and naming of Michael, Bri and Jordan – the faces behind the masks.
Channel 2 ...
Getting serious about mental health: Colorado Legislature passed nearly 30 bills in past two years
By: John Spina
June 22, 2019
Boulder County boasts one of highest ratios of mental health care providers to population in the country, but many residents still struggle to get help, as they do statewide. .
According to Mental Health Colorado, more than 1 million Coloradans experience mental health or substance use disorders each year, yet half of them — and 1 in 6 Medicaid recipients — don’t get the mental health and substance use services they need, causing suicide to be the No. 1 cause of death for Coloradans age 10 to 24.
“Colorado has always been a low-tax state with a culture of self-reliance, so this is something Colorado ...
Mental wellness and addiction recovery resource guide available
By: Mark Techmeyer
June 20, 2019
Representatives from the Colorado Department of Human Services (CDHS) and the nonprofit advocacy group Mental Health Colorado recently announced the launch of the Mental Wellness and Addiction Recovery Guide.
Full story is available only in print edition of the Pagosa Springs SUN. Check out their website to subscribe to their paper.
Take it from Evan
June 13, 2019
Evan Silverman was diagnosed with schizophrenia at a young age. One conclusion he has come to throughout his recovery journey is that there is no blueprint for living with mental illness.
Understanding your options for mental health and substance use treatment can make that process easier. That’s why we partnered with the Colorado Department of Human Services, Office of Behavioral Health to create the Mental Wellness and Addiction Recovery Guide, a free resource for Coloradans considering recovery.
If you’ve sought treatment for yourself or a loved one, you know the challenges that come with making the decision to ...
Where to start when seeking treatment for a mental health or substance use disorder
By Nancy VanDeMark – Interim President and CEO, Mental Health Colorado
May 1, 2019
One million Coloradans face a mental health or substance use disorder each year, and only half get the treatment they need. For example, depression causes people to miss work more than any other chronic health condition, according to the World Health Organization. But it doesn’t have to be this way.
Mental health and substance use disorders are treatable, and treatment is key to a full and meaningful life. Mental Health Colorado has partnered with the Colorado Department of Human Services, Office of Behavioral Health ...
One for the books
May 24, 2019
The 2019 Colorado legislative session was historic for individuals, families, and communities affected by mental health and substance use. Our agenda bills will add $20 million in spending for mental health and substance use services and supports statewide.
As you’ll see in our 2019 Legislative Report and Scorecard, Colorado achieved significant policy wins that will:
Increase the availability of mental health services for children and adolescents
Strengthen and enforce laws requiring insurance companies to provide equal coverage for mental and physical care
Ensure people with severe mental illness and substance ...
For Our Spanish Speakers: Mujeres de C.O.L.O.R. con Miriam Estrada
Mujeres de COLOR con Miriam Estrada investigadora asociada de la organización para la Salud Mental de Colorado, hablando sobre la salud mental en la comunidad Latinx.