1041 results for author: Mental Health Colorado

Viral tweet sheds new light on mental health

BY DREW ENGELBART, Fox 31 Denver A Michigan woman’s Twitter post has gone viral and shed a new light on mental health. The post is an email from the woman to her coworkers explaining that she is taking a couple “mental health days” off work, followed by a positive response from the company’s CEO. “Every year a million Coloradans experience mental health disorder and only half of them get care,” Mental Health Colorado’s President & CEO Andrew Romanoff said. The organization, Mental Health Colorado, is deeply concerned by that statistic and says that mental health is deeply stigmatized and because of that many don’t ...

31 Tips to Boost Your Mental Health

Track gratitude and achievement with a journal. Include 3 things you were grateful for and 3 things you were able to accomplish each day. Start your day with a cup of co­ffee. Coff­ee consumption is linked to lower rates of depression. If you can’t drink coff­ee because of the caffeine, try another good-for-you drink like green tea. Set up a getaway. It could be camping with friends or a trip to the tropics. The act of planning a vacation and having something to look forward to can boost your overall happiness for up to 8 weeks! Work your strengths. Do something you're good at to build self-confidence, then tackle a tougher task. ...

And the nominees are…

July 6, 2017 Turn on the news lately, and you might feel like the comedian Richard Lewis. Whenever his mother calls, she always asks, “Is everything all wrong?” If you can make it past the headlines (and the punchlines), you can find a few bits of good news. That’s what we’re asking you to do, right now: help us identify and celebrate success. Specifically, we’re asking you to nominate Coloradans who are making a difference in the field of mental health. We’ll honor the winners at our annual Tribute Gala on Oct. 28. This year, we’re seeking nominations in three categories: individual of the year, lifetime achievement, and ...

KOA Radio: Andrew Romanoff on the Senate Health Care Bill

Listen to Andrew Romanoff discuss the impact of the Senate's health care bill on mental health with KOA Radio.

GOP health-care bill is bad medicine for mental health

Let's say your state faces an opioid epidemic. And a shortage of psychiatric care. And one of the highest suicide rates in the nation. Let's say you live in Colorado. If you're an optimist, you might turn to Congress for help. At the very least, you'd expect your representatives and senators not to make matters worse. Unfortunately, the Senate Republicans' new health-care plan would do real harm to Colorado and to the rest of the country. Since the Senate may vote on this proposal before the end of the week, it's important to speak out right now. In the Senate, the GOP plan is called the Better Care Reconciliation Act. But if you or ...

Tribute Silent Auction Donations

Would you like to help us gear up for our biggest fundraiser of the year? Gather silent auction items for the Tribute Gala! All you have to do is bring the donation form to your favorite restaurant, gallery, or hotel and ask if they would be willing to make a tax-deductible, in-kind donation to Mental Health Colorado. We can accept donations over $50 in value. The form and item/s can be mailed to our office. If the item cannot be shipped, you can also drop it off at our office located at 1120 Lincoln St, Suite 1606, Monday through Friday between 8 am and 4 pm. If you have questions, please contact Emily Elder at (720) 208-2233 or eelder@me...

Statement by Paul Gionfriddo, president and CEO of Mental Health America, on the Better Care Reconciliation Act

"The Better Care Reconciliation Act (BCRA) falls far short of what is needed and will ultimately do significant harm to people with all chronic conditions, including mental illnesses, while increasing the cost of health care to everyone. "While it leaves in place the Affordable Care Act (ACA) requirement that insurers cover pre-existing conditions, it does not require insurance products to include all essential benefits. This means that while people with mental health conditions would be able to obtain insurance, the insurance would not include all the services they need. "It also replaces much of both the core and expanded Medicaid program – ...

This just in

June 22, 2017 What’s six hours old, 142 pages long, and capable of changing one-sixth of the American economy? If you guessed the “Better Care Reconciliation Act,” you’re right. Senate Republicans just released their plan to repeal and replace Obamacare. That gives us one week to weigh in on the proposal before the Senate is expected to vote on it. We oppose many of the provisions we’ve seen, including threats to mental health and substance use services -- which insurers might no longer have to cover as essential benefits -- and deep cuts to Medicaid. We want to hear from you. Please share your thoughts on our online forum (a new ...

Sandra: My daughter’s story

Although my daughter Brandy had a very difficult life for many reasons, she was a beautiful, vibrant and amazingly wonderful person. Her heart was filled with giving, humor, compassion, and caring. She had the most radiant smile and gorgeous brown eyes. People loved to hear her laugh and watch her dance. She was so filled with life and was always the one to bring people together. Always creative and smart, brave and gentle, she strove to be her best self. Her spirit was strong and her soul was pure. Brandy was born in 1971, in Colorado Springs. She had severe digestive problems and a very high level of sensitivity. We, with the help of her ...

Helping men take care of their mental health

Andrew Romanoff, President of Mental Health Colorado, stopped by 9NEWS on Father's Day to talk about men's mental health and how to take care of the men in our lives by taking care of their feelings.