News Clips

Lawmakers to debate if Coloradans in a mental health crisis should be charged with a felony if they hit police

December 17, 2019 By: Joe St. George Originally appeared in Fox31 DENVER -- Colorado lawmakers will debate whether to defelonize a longstanding law that allows a person to be charged with a felony if they strike a police officer, correctional officer, EMT, firefighter, nurse or doctor during a mental health crisis. Mental Health Colorado is pushing for a change in the statute believing someone shouldn't be put in jail for simply seeking health. "Those enhanced charges have poor outcomes," Vincent Atchity with Mental Health Colorado said. "People can ...

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Mental Health Colorado promotes a “Miami Model” for decriminalizing mental illness

December 14, 2019 Originally appeared in My Prime Time News Diversion initiative allowed Miami to close a jail, save taxpayers millions, and get care to those in need ~ DENVER — Mental Health Colorado, the state’s leading mental health advocacy organization, is looking at Miami as a model for keeping individuals with mental illnesses out of jail so they can get the care they need. Under its diversion initiative, Miami-Dade County closed a jail facility—saving taxpayers $12 million per year—and dramatically reduced the number of shootings and injuries of people ...

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Local voters could hold key in Colorado’s mental health crisis

December 14, 2019 Originally appeared in The Gazette By: Lance Benzel LARIMER COUNTY • Standing in tall grass off a country road, Commissioner Steve Johnson shows where voters have cleared the way for a $25 million mental health center, billed by its supporters as a regional leap in the statewide battle for improved care. Three years ago, the reforms nearly died in a vacant lot, cut down at the polls in this northern Colorado county of 350,000 residents. Commissioner Steve Johnson stands at the site in October where voters have ...

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Annual campaign collects socks for homeless

December 10, 2019 Originally appeared in the Centennial Citizen Socks are the least donated item to homeless shelters, yet they are vital to helping homeless people stay dry, warm and free from disease. According to a news release, charities often cannot accept used socks for sanitary reasons, and buying new socks doesn’t always seem apparent to those making donations. However, as the cold sets in, the need is greater. Footprints to Recovery is kicking off its third annual Socks of Love campaign, with the hope of collecting 10,000 pairs of socks nationally. The ...

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Donate today for Colorado Gives

December 10, 2019 Originally appeared in The Colorado Springs Business Journal Today is Colorado Gives Day, and organizers hope to top last year’s $35.3 million in donations. Colorado Gives Day was created to increase philanthropy in Colorado through online giving. The inaugural Colorado Gives Day in 2010 generated more than $8.4 million for 529 local charities. Every dollar donated this year is increased through a $1.5 million Incentive Fund. Every nonprofit receiving a donation on Colorado Gives Day will receive a portion of the fund. At the Colorado ...

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Coloradans on Medicaid face greatest obstacles to accessing mental health care, survey says

December 8, 2019 By: Evan Wyloge, Colorado Politics Originally appeared in The Gazette Meighen Lovelace began seeing troubling signs when her younger daughter was only 1 year old: The girl was more aggressive than her older sister; she would bite and hit, and seemed not to handle social situations well. When her daughter turned 3, Lovelace used a behavioral health intervention program offered at their local preschool. Lovelace and her two daughters, who live in Eagle County, are on the state’s Medicaid program, the public health insurance program for ...

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Californians aren’t getting the mental health care they’re legally guaranteed. Why not?

December 8, 2019 By: Jocelyn Wiener Originally appeared in CalMatters State Sen. Jim Beall is angry. Four times now, he has introduced legislation to better enforce state and federal “parity” laws, which require equal treatment of mental and physical health problems. Four times, that legislation has failed. As he enters his final year in the Legislature, the San Jose Democrat plans what he calls a “full-frontal assault”. “I’m going to put even more effort into next year,” Beall said, “because I’m madder than hell about it.” Califo...

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Why state lawmakers passed a new mental health care law to enforce a law that already exists

Originally appeared on 9News There's one basic reason for this: make sure mental health is treated in the same way as physical health. Author: Anusha Roy Published: 8:35 PM MST December 6, 2019 Updated: 8:35 PM MST December 6, 2019 DENVER — Closing gaps, so that people can get the mental health care they need is so complicated, that Colorado state legislators had to pass a law this year to try and enforce another law already on the books. House Bill 1269, the Mental Health Parity Insurance Medicaid law, focused on making sure ...

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More Colorado teens and children visiting ERs for mental health reasons

December 4, 2019 By: Matt Mauro Originally appeared on Fox31 DENVER - A quarter of all mental health emergency room visits in Colorado are now made by children younger than 18, according to a new study. According to the study by  The Center for Improving Value in Health Care - the visits are mostly for major depressive disorder, along with anxiety and panic disorders. "(It's) not surprising to me that there is a demand for care," said Vincent Atchity, President and CEO of Mental Health Colorado. "That’s in keeping with the ...

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Give and You Shall Receive: 10 Nonprofits to Help Out on Colorado Gives Day

By donating to these Colorado-based organizations—or any of the 3,500-plus participating nonprofits—you’ll not only improve others’ lives, but your own as well. BY MAYA CHIODO | DECEMBER 4, 2019Humans tend toward altruism. And the impetus behind lending a helping hand or donating some dollars is usually quite simple: It feels good. Luckily for Coloradans, the annual Colorado Gives Day fundraiser, which takes place on Tuesday, December 10, makes it easier than ever to feel what Psychology Today calls the “helper’s high.” Each December, folks from ...

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