News Clips

Poor mental health reduces life expectancy, says study

By: Kumasi Aaron March 26, 2019 Douglas County in Colorado is ranked the healthiest county in the country. The news doesn’t surprise Colorado natives Amber Jaworsky and Kristin Gibowicz, who are both yoga instructors. They say physical activity is contagious in Douglas County. “If you're sitting at your kitchen table looking out the window and there’s 15 people riding their bikes by and everybody is walking their dogs, you're [kind of] like, ‘Dang, I got to get my butt moving!’” says Jaworsky. The pair says say their mental health is just ...

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By law, mental health benefits are supposed to be as good as medical coverage. In practice, that’s not happening.

By: Jennifer Brown March 27, 2019 Like most dads, John Cooke would have done anything to save his daughter. He was lucky he had the money. To make her well, to make his teenager want to live and stop planning her suicide, Cooke and his wife would end up paying $150,000. With each denial from the family’s insurance company, the Cookes wrote another check. When the company deemed it no longer “medically necessary” for their teenager to stay in a residential treatment center in Wisconsin, or another center in Utah, the Cookes paid out of pocket until the doctors ...

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How Daughter’s Suicide Attempt Inspires Victor Mitchell’s Support of Red-Flag Bill

By: Michael Roberts March 26, 2019 Red-flag legislation, which would create a framework for temporarily taking guns away from those considered a danger to themselves and others, is making its way through the Colorado legislature. It's already been approved by the state House of Representatives, and while a Senate vote expected yesterday, March 25, was delayed, the bill is scheduled for more floor work in the chamber beginning at 9 a.m. today. Democrats are expected to continue supporting the idea, while Republicans have been reacting with scorn. But one ...

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Columbine survivors offer support after two teen suicides in Parkland

By Alex Rose March 24, 2019 DENVER -- The tragedy even more heartbreaking after two survivors of the Parkland Florida school shooting took their lives within days of each other, the latest happening Saturday night. “Things like this happen, people rush to the community and they’re there but then as time goes by they slowly go away, but they need help. They don’t have resources,” said Missy Mendo with the Rebels Project. Mendo was a Freshman at Columbine when the shooting happened nearly 20 years ago. “Every event is just heartbreaking,” ...

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Unmasked: A Masquerade Party Benefiting Mental Health Colorado – 6/22

By: Adam Wilson March 21, 2019 Who: Mental Health Colorado What: Unmasked When: Saturday, June 22nd from 6p – 9p Where: The Haven in the Pines FOX31 and Colorado’s Own Channel 2 are proud to again support the Unmasked masquerade party benefiting Mental Health Colorado. Join anchor Deborah Takahara as she emcees this elegant evening supporting a great cause. By attending Unmasked you will be assisting Mental Health Colorado in their mission of prevention and treatment of mental health and substance use disorders. The evening will feature ...

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Victor Mitchell: Extreme risk bill is thoughtful, balanced

March 15, 2019 As a one-time state lawmaker who had an A-plus NRA rating and a former Republican candidate for governor, I'm strongly supportive of HB-1177 — a bill that would provide extreme risk protection orders to temporarily remove firearms for those in the midst of a crisis. My perspective on this issue is personal. Our family was in constant fear of losing our eldest daughter to suicide nearly a decade ago. She was just a child of 17 years at the time. Today, she's healthy and successful. Our family took action and removed all the firearms in our home. ...

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GUEST COLUMN: Zero Suicide is more than a hope

By: Jonathan Gordon March 14, 2019 I’ll start out with a question: How many of you who are reading this know someone who has attempted or died by suicide? I suspect there was a lot of head nodding, some anguish, some tears, much grief, constant worry and whole lot of questioning why this happened. Why did 1,175 Coloradans die from suicide in 2017? A simple question with many complicated answers. The gut-wrenching statistic in our state is that suicide is the leading cause of death among 10-24 year olds, and we have one of the highest suicide rates in the ...

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House Majority Leader Garnett says red flag bill protects due process

By: Andy Koen March 11, 2019 DENVER – House Majority Leader Rep. Alec Garnett is defending the red flag bill he co-sponsored as multiple sheriffs and boards of county commissioners from Southern Colorado have come out in opposition to the legislation. House Bill 1177 creates Extreme Risk Protection Orders which use the state court system to temporarily take away guns from someone believed to be a risk to themselves and others. El Paso County Sheriff Bill Elder, Fremont County Sheriff Allen Cooper, and Custer County Sheriff Shannon Byerly have all ...

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Youth screened regularly for vision, hearing. What about mental health?

By: Mary Shinn March 10, 2019 Universal mental health screenings in Colorado schools could be one way to address the growing problem of youth suicide. The basic tests could function like vision and hearing screenings to alert parents and teachers to a mental health problem that needs to be referred to a specialist, said Sarah Davidon, research director for Mental Health Colorado, a nonprofit advocacy group. Davidon suggested the screenings last week to state senators and representatives working on education legislation. “Mental health disorders among ...

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Spotlight on mental health in GJ, county

By: Joe Vaccarelli March 10, 2019 Mental Health Colorado interim President and CEO Nancy VanDeMark has lofty goals for this legislative session and hopes to see several programs better funded this year. Concerned about the escalating suicide rate in the state, particularly in Mesa County, Mental Health Colorado is pushing for more funding for programs such as Zero Suicide and an effort to bring more health professionals into schools. "The ratio is far below national recommendations," VanDeMark said of the number of ...

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