News Clips

More college students going to mental health centers

DENVER -- College can be a stressful time. And now those stresses are sending more students to mental health centers than ever before. Hunter Long And Yazman Ezimi are music students. Their biggest source of stress centers around academics. "Homework," Long says. That's probably the biggest thing that causes stress." Another stressor is finding that school life balance. "We both have jobs and we both go to school full-time and we're trying to make a career," Ezimi says. " So it's really hard to balance all of that so that causes stress." The American College ...

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Vote Yes on Amendment 72

My mother was a lifelong smoker. My sister and I used to hide her cigarettes, tossing cartons down the laundry chute or stuffing them in the trash. I’m proud of my mom for quitting, but I’ve known too many people who never could. Smoking is the number-one cause of preventable death in Colorado, killing more than 5,000 Coloradans each year. That’s more than alcohol, AIDS, car accidents, illegal drugs, murders and suicides combined. The best ways to reduce the death toll from smoking are to stop people from starting and to help them quit. That’s exactly what ...

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CEO: Mental-health help starts with screenings

TELLURIDE DAILY PLANET By ANDRE SALVAIL, Editor When it comes to getting help for behavioral-health issues or depression, a screening is a good place to start. That was one of the primary messages that Andrew Romanoff, president and CEO of Mental Health Colorado, brought to Telluride last week. Romanoff was the keynote speaker of Thursday’s Behavioral Health Summit 2016 held at the Peaks Resort & Spa in Mountain Village. On Wednesday, he kicked off a Behavioral Health Community Forum at Telluride Middle/High School’s black box theater. The ...

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KOTO Community Radio on Telluride behavioral health community forum

Telluride's KOTO Community Radio reports on the 2016 Behavioral Health Summit. Andrew Romanoff, president & CEO of Mental Health Colorado, was the summit's keynote speaker and kicked off a community behavioral health forum on Wednesday evening. Listen to hear excerpts from his presentation.

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2016 Mental Health Candidate Forum in Colorado Springs

How do we make sure that all Coloradans get the mental health care they need? That’s the mission of our organization — and the focus of our first-ever candidate nights. Mental Health Colorado is teaming up with NAMI Colorado, Colorado Advanced Practice Psychiatric Nurses, the Colorado Providers Association, the Colorado Psychiatric Society, the Colorado Psychological Society, and Rocky Mountain Crisis Partners to host a series of public forums, featuring candidates for the state legislature. Meet Colorado Springs candidates Sharon Huff (HD 15), Thomas Exum (HD ...

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2016 Mental Health Candidate Forum in Denver

How do we make sure that all Coloradans get the mental health care they need? That’s the mission of our organization — and the focus of our first-ever candidate nights. Mental Health Colorado is teaming up with NAMI Colorado, Colorado Advanced Practice Psychiatric Nurses, the Colorado Providers Association, the Colorado Psychiatric Society, the Colorado Psychological Society, and Rocky Mountain Crisis Partners to host a series of public forums, featuring candidates for the state legislature. Meet Denver candidates Paul Linton (HD 2), Leslie Herod (HD 8), Lois ...

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Advocates Want Funding, Change In Focus For Mental Health Care

DENVER (CBS4) – According to the nonprofit Mental Health Colorado, more than a million Coloradans have a mental health or substance use disorder and most go without treatment. This election advocates are urging candidates for the state Legislature to take a stand on mental health. That’s why they’re holding candidate forums to quiz those running for the state House and Senate about their views on mental health issues and how to solve them. Advocates say they need funding and a change in focus. Read more...

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Lakewood-area house candidates discuss mental health

Clarke Reader - It was a small group of state House candidates who attended the first of four candidate forums hosted by Mental Health Colorado, but the discussion of the topic was lively and full of personal stories that show mental health is an important area of concern, regardless of party. Mary Park, independent candidate for District 22 (Columbine and Ken Caryl), Chris Hadsall, Republican candidate for District 23 (Lakewood), Chris Kennedy, Democratic candidate for District 23, and Brittany Pettersen, incumbent and Democratic candidate for District 28 (Lakewood), ...

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2016 Mental Health Candidate Forum in Aurora

  How do we make sure that all Coloradans get the mental health care they need? That’s the mission of our organization -- and the focus of our first-ever candidate nights. Mental Health Colorado is teaming up with NAMI Colorado, Colorado Advanced Practice Psychiatric Nurses, the Colorado Providers Association, the Colorado Psychiatric Society, the Colorado Psychological Society, and Rocky Mountain Crisis Partners to host a series of public forums, featuring candidates for the state legislature. Meet Aurora candidates Mike Weissman (HD 36), Janet Buckner ...

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Forums on mental health continue next week for state lawmaker candidates

Want to know how candidates seeking a seat in the Colorado legislature intend to improve the mental health care system? Mental Health Colorado is holding a first-of-its-kind series of candidate forums on mental health, continuing next week in Denver and Colorado Springs. Candidates will answer questions about whether they support current law that requires insurers to cover mental health care and a proposed ballot measure to raise the tobacco tax to fund mental health care, among other issues. Read more...

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