News Clips

NEWS Mental Health Colorado’s Legislative Scorecard Shows Wide Partisan Gap, Especially in House

July 29, 2021 By: James O'Rourke Article originally found on the Colorado Times Recorder Yesterday, Mental Health Colorado released its 2021 Legislative Report, detailing the bills it pushed for during the Colorado Legislature’s 2021 session. “Each policy priority positively impacts the well-being of our state and will help Colorado achieve healthier minds from one end of life to the other,” the report says. The report contains a legislative scorecard, listing each state legislator’s vote on six key mental health bills passed during this session ...

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OPINION: Mental Health Colorado’s Legislative Report

July 27, 2021 Article originally found on the Pagosa Daily Post This op-ed is adapted from the Mental Health Colorado’s 2021 Legislative Report. In 2020, millions of us were forced into isolation, and anxiety was at an all-time high due to the economic and health impacts of COVID-19. As we move into a post-vaccine world, we are seeing a secondary pandemic of mental health and substance use concern, and we must be prepared to deal with the increased demand for care and support. These needs are reflected in our 2021 policy priorities. Our priorities in this ...

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Garcia, Garnett Appoint Experts to ARPA Affordable Housing and Behavioral Health Subpanels

July 26, 2021 Originally found of EIN News DENVER, CO – Senate President Leroy Garcia and Speaker Alec Garnett on Friday appointed subject matter experts and representatives of local governments and nonprofits to the subpanels advising the task forces established under HB21-1329 and SB21-137, legislation which set aside $850 million in American Rescue Plan Act funds for housing and behavioral health. The subpanels will work with the task forces to craft and examine policies to make housing more affordable, expand opportunities to build wealth through ...

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CO mental health bills increase support

July 14, 2021 By: Jeanne Souldern Article originally found in The Sopris Sun Several bills focusing on the mental wellness of Coloradans, many of which garnered bipartisan support, were passed by lawmakers in the 2021 legislative session and signed into law by Governor Jared Polis. The Behavioral Health Recovery Act (SB21-1371) is a $114 million omnibus bill, with $100 million coming from the federal American Rescue Plan Act COVID-relief dollars and the remaining $14 million from the state’s general fund. The expenditures, under this bill, cover a wide variety of ...

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18 rays of hope for Colorado’s children | Vince Bzdek

June 27, 2021 By: Vince Bzdek Originally found in the Colorado Springs Gazette You know those moments when someone performs a random act of kindness out of the blue, and you say, “Now that restores my faith in humanity”? The Legislature, of all the unexpected places, restored my faith in humanity a bit this year. Not on everything it did and didn’t do, mind you, but on addressing the mental health care crisis among our children, they sure gave it a go. Read the rest of the article in The Gazette

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The long road to achieving better access to behavioral health care

June 10, 2021 By: Anusha Roy Originally found on 9News HB21-1068's goal is to expand beyond a crisis response model for behavioral health, incorporating more wellness and preventative care. DENVER — A Colorado bill, HB21-1068, has a goal of expanding beyond a crisis response model for behavioral health care to incorporating more wellness and preventative care. The bill, now headed to the office of Gov. Jared Polis, aims to change the overall approach to mental health. Democratic Rep. Dafna Michaelson Jenet is a sponsor of this legislation. ...

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Youth mental health was front and center in Colorado’s legislative session. But the work is only a “down payment.”

June 10, 2021 By: Jennifer Brown Originally published in the Colorado Sun Hospital emergency departments are flooded with children who’ve just attempted suicide. Kids in need of residential treatment for severe depression are sent out of state because Colorado’s beds are full. And suicide became the leading cause of death for youth in this state five years ago. So what are Colorado policymakers doing about it? Read the full article in the Colorado Sun  

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LivWell Enlightened Health donates over $57,000 to Mental Health Colorado

June 3, 2021 For the original press release, click here Denver, Colorado (June 3, 2021) – Today, LivWell Enlightened Health announced a $57,000 donation to Mental Health Colorado thanks to the generosity of their customers during the ‘Round-Up for Mental Health’ campaign. The funds will support the nonprofit’s efforts to ensure that resources for mental health are a priority for the state, especially in the wake of the global pandemic. Mental Health Colorado works to create access to housing, health care, and other services so that Coloradans ...

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THE PODIUM | Safeguarding mental health in jail

May 26, 2021 Article originally found in Colorado Politics. Imagine yourself or your loved one — distressed and bewildered, unwell, psychotic — isolated in a small, hard cell for 22 hours a day or more, for days, weeks or months. Arrested during a crisis, maybe the worst moment of your life, now waiting for a snail-like justice process to determine your guilt or innocence of charges you may not even understand. Solitary confinement in county jails — not inpatient health care — remains our state’s default recourse for housing and managing people with the ...

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Denver-area mental health experts offer advice for business leaders

May 14, 2021 By: Don Ireland Originally posted on Mental health concerns have been a monumental challenge for business leaders during the pandemic. Read the full article on

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