
Dustin Bishop

Mental health is a very important issue in our communities today.   Especially with the recent COVID-19 epidemic, I fear that mental health is going to become an even more serious problem. God created humans to be social, in the garden of Eden God said that "It is not good for man to be alone" so he created Adam a helper, a companion, a friend. With our current state, and the fact that we are not able to socialize it is extremely important to check on the mental health of those you care about. One statistic that is always shocking to me is the teen suicide rate.  Our ...

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Judy Amabile

I am a lifelong Democrat who has lived in Colorado for almost 50 years. In the last 25 years, I raised three sons, owned and operated a successful manufacturing business (Polar Bottle), and advocated for the things I care about. One of my sons has a serious mental illness. Like far too many parents, I know the despair of trying to access mental health services in a broken system. The costs and consequences are devastating to people, families, and society at large. We must address the stigma and shame of mental illness. Mental illness is not a character flaw. Period...

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Donald Valdez

Every individual should have access to high-quality, mental healthcare services. Our emotional and psychological wellbeing impact our mood, decision making process, ability, to handle stress, and can have implications, for our physical well-being. Not addressing underlying mental health issues can lead to anxiety, substance abuse, depression, and a host of other debilitating conditions. It is essential that we continue to de stigmatized mental illness and ensure that everyone has access to treatment.

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Holly Herson

My passion for mental health policy is the driving force behind my decision to run for office. When my father died by suicide in 2009 I made the decision to double down and make a difference; I returned to school to study public policy, volunteered with organizations, candidates, and initiative groups who were focused on mental health policy change. Access to mental health services in schools and in primary healthcare offices is the way we are going to remove stigma and taboo surrounding mental healthcare. We need to flip the narrative. Mental healthcare is wellness ...

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Tracey Bernett

I believe there should be parity in access, treatment and funding of both mental and physical health. The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed not only the shortfalls in our healthcare systems, such as healthcare being tied to jobs, but also how critical access to mental healthcare is for many people weathering this crisis. We must continue to do the hard work of reducing the stigma of mental illness. Education is imperative to building more awareness, and that’s something I’m committed to during my campaign and if elected to State House. I am also committed to fight for ...

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Steven Paletz

The recent challenges presented by COVID-19 emphasize the importance of access to quality mental health care for all Coloradans. This issue remains a top priority for my work in the legislature and is necessary to ensure the full recovery of all Coloradans.   The isolation requirements necessary to combat COVID-19 have exacerbated mental health care challenges, even for those that never contract or know anyone that contracts the virus. The lack of in-person socialization, and/or solitary isolation, places an extreme amount of stress and often creates or worsens mental ...

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Doug Townsend

Mental illness among our fellow Coloradans is a concern for all – from the impact on our friends and family members, to the impact it has on the homeless, and to the contribution it has to increased violence against our citizens.  The vast majority of individuals suffering from mental illness will never become violent, and in fact are much more likely to be victims of violence.  The mass-scale deinstitutionalization of the seriously mental ill that began in the 1970’s has resulted in these individuals being “reinstitutionalized” in jails and prisons.  The wide ...

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Sally Boccella

I believe that mental health is just “health” and that all Coloradans deserve to have mental healthcare coverage and be able to access services if needed. Colorado has one of the highest suicide rates in the country, and I want to combat this at the State Capitol. I support the Insurance Coverage Mental Health Wellness Exam bill that requires all Colorado insurers to cover an annual mental health preventative exam with a qualified mental health provider. I helped pass HB19-1120 Youth Mental Health Education and Suicide Prevention Act in 2019 and continue to collab...

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Ursula’s Story

Imagine you’re about to rent an apartment. You have all your paperwork and your deposit ready to go. And then, the renters tell you they won’t let you live there because you committed a crime ten years ago. That’s the devastating rejection Ursula Furse faced countless times as she transitioned from the criminal justice system into society. Ursula is a person in recovery, a mother, a survivor of domestic violence, and has been in and out of jail for 20 years. She has 11 years of sobriety. Ursula has experienced situational depression, PTSD, and ADHD. She ...

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No lo podemos hacer sin usted

Estos son tiempos difíciles para las organizaciones sin fines de lucro, igual que son para muchos individuos e industrias. Pero con su ayuda, la pandemia no va a parar a Salud Mental Colorado de trabajar hacia un fuerte comienzo para todos los niños de Colorado, desenredar la salud mental del sistema de justicia criminal, y asegurar que todos los de Colorado tienen acceso a tratamiento asequible para la salud mental y del consumo de sustancias, y terminar con la vergüenza y discriminación.   Hoy es Dando el martes, o Giving Tuesday Now, un nuevo ...

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