
Communications Intern

Mental Health Colorado is seeking a fall communications intern. This intern will help with graphic design, media outreach, and other communications duties. The ideal candidate will help us with social media posts, writing, editing, website work, finding media contacts, and event planning. This person will also work with reporters on deadline and help find sources for mental health stories. The candidate could be majoring in communications, journalism, or marketing/public relations. It would helpful if the candidate has had some courses in mental health, social work, ...

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Northern Colorado mental and behavioral health facility headed back to voters

By: Saja Hindi July 24, 2018 Dozens packed the Larimer County Commissioners hearing room Tuesday. As commenter after commenter took the microphone, continuous pleas were made for the commissioners to allow voters to reconsider a ballot initiative they said was vital to the community — a tax to fund a new mental and behavioral health facility. During his turn to speak, Loveland resident Bob Massaro turned around and asked how many people in the audience knew someone who either died by suicide or attempted suicide. Almost every hand in the room went up. Larimer ...

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San Miguel Mental Health Ballot Measure

Tri-County Health Network (TCHNetwork) is requesting that the San Miguel Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) approve the referral of a county wide 0.75 mill levy ballot measure to appear on the November 6, 2018 ballot to fund community-based mental health and substance abuse services in San Miguel County. San Miguel County, like many rural counties in Colorado, currently experiences a shortage of mental health providers and has significant gaps in services related to mental health and substance use disorders. In 2016, the County along with the Telluride ...

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Individual of the Year

Mental Health Colorado is the state’s leading advocate for the prevention, early intervention, and effective treatment of mental health and substance use disorders. Our annual Tribute Gala honors Coloradans who have demonstrated extraordinary leadership in this field. Please use this form to nominate an individual who has made an outstanding contribution to the cause of mental health. Nominations are due by July 31, 2018. For more information, please contact Erica Chasansky, at echasansky@mentalhealthcolorado.org or 720-208-2221. Thank you!

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Tribute 2018 Sponsorship Opportunities

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By: Linda Navarro May 30, 2018   For several years, those attending the National Alliance on Mental Illness fundraising breakfasts spoke about "Embracing the Light." The light of understanding and becoming more open became even brighter on May 3 at The Broadmoor as 650 people moved forward, "Stepping into the Light" of mental illness on the 35th anniversary of NAMI Colorado Springs. The $180,000 goal for that morning was eclipsed when the total raised was announced: $205,000. "This is fully one-third of NAMI's annual operating budget," said ...

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By Andrew Romanoff  – President and CEO, Mental Health Colorado   May 23, 2018 Put six Republicans and three Democrats on the same stage, and you might not expect them to agree on anything. When it comes to improving mental health care, however, you can find common ground. Nine candidates shared a stage this spring at Mental Health Colorado’s first-ever gubernatorial forum. The consensus, we ought to make it harder for people who pose a danger to themselves or others to get guns, and easier for them to get ...

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By: TaRhonda Thomas May 23, 2018  All this week, on 9NEWS at 6 a.m. we will be featuring stories of people who have beaten addiction and are in the process of recovery. Ray Vigil drank heavily for years but never realized he was drinking to numb the pain of an abusive childhood and other traumas until he hit rock bottom and began seeing a therapist. As the smell of essential oils fills Ray Vigil’s apartment, Native American music plays softly in the background while he looks at notecards of positive affirmations and rests his hand ...

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May 15, 2018 Children are more likely to seek help if mental health support is available at school. Mental Health Colorado has created a School Toolkit, essentially the ABCs for getting students the mental health care every child deserves. The toolkit is a guide for schools, districts, interested parents — anyone who wants kids to get the mental health attention they deserve. This includes everything from help with implementing mental health screenings, suicide prevention, wellness plans that could include school counselors and more. “The first signs of mental ...

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Youth Ranking States with high rankings have lower prevalence of mental illness and higher rates of access to care for youth. Lower rankings indicate that youth have higher prevalence of mental illness and lower rates of access to care. The 7 measures that make up the Youth Ranking include:  Youth with At Least One Past Year Major Depressive Episode (MDE)  Youth with Alcohol Dependence and Illicit Drugs Use (Marijuana, Heroin, Cocaine)  Youth with Severe MDE  Youth with MDE who Did Not Receive Mental Health Services  Youth ...

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