September 28, 2017
The Graham-Cassidy bill—a last-ditch attempt to repeal Obamacare—died this week. But one of its sponsors delivered a remarkably revealing eulogy.
Sen. Lindsey Graham lamented not only the series of legislative defeats but also the toll they had taken on his party’s finances. “Online giving went down 40 percent after we failed on health care,” he told Politico. “Pledges went down 60 percent.”
Graham wasn’t the only lawmaker to fret about the politics of health care reform; he was just the most candid. He described GOP donors as his “employers.”
That was the truly revealing part. When members of Congress kowtow to their contributors, they ignore the vast majority of Americans: those who may not fund their campaigns but still suffer the consequences of their decisions.
What can we do about that? At Mental Health Colorado, we’re building a network of advocates across the state. We call it the “Brain Wave,” and we’re recruiting members right now.
Join the Wave, and you’ll learn how to shape public policy without spending a dime. Let’s remind our elected officials that they work for all of us.