Randy and Ellen Kenworthy have been married for 26 years and have spent 23 of them in the beautiful state of Colorado. They have one daughter, Alexandra, who lives and works in Los Angeles.
Randy and Ellen were moved to help individuals recovering from substance use disorders in the local community based on their nephew Ross’s story. Ross is an honorably discharged veteran who conquered his own personal battles with substance abuse through treatment, therapy, 12 step work and sober living.
Ross’s passion for life and his intense desire to aide others battling addiction inspired Randy and Ellen to get involved and partner with Ross to form 5280 Transitions.
5280 Transitions is a sober home that provides a peer-supported healthy living environment. It aides those recovering from substance use disorders in navigating the social, emotional, behavioral and professional demands of their lives while transitioning back to being sober, joyful, productive and contributing members of society.