1046 results for author: Mental Health Colorado

Recognizing Recovery

People can recover. People do recover. Mental Health Colorado strives every day to create healthier minds across the lifespan and reduce the potential harm from drugs and alcohol. Every September for National Recovery Month, we join the rest of the nation in celebrating the millions of Americans in recovery from harmful substance use. We are proud of our work to help those in recovery—including three notable pieces of legislation: We led the fight to hold insurers accountable for mental health parity—the law that says they must cover mental health and substance use equal to physical health. We helped pass a bill ...

‘Everybody feels it’: Mental-health challenges of working from home, pandemic confront Boulder County residents

September 5, 2020 Originally appeared in the Boulder Daily Camera Since John Tayer, Boulder Chamber CEO and president, began working remotely his dress attire has changed. While it still includes a button-up shirt and a tie, he has swapped dress slacks for comfortable shorts. Instead of going into the Chamber offices to work, his couch, or occasionally the dining table, is his office. But working from home isn’t as relaxing as it sounds. Tayer and other Boulder County professionals in high-stress jobs that are newly remote are learning how to balance family, household duties and work under one roof. Though he said he enjoys his role at ...

Recociendo la Recuperación

La gente puede recuperarse. La gente se esta recuperando.   Salud Mental Colorado (Mental Health Colorado) trabaja todos los días para crear mentes más saludables a través de la vida y reducir los daños posibles por el consumo de drogas y el alcohol. Cada septiembre durante el Mes de Recuperación Nacional, nos unimos junto con el resto de la nación para celebrar los millones de americanos en recuperación.   Estamos orgullosos de nuestro trabajo para ayudar a las personas quien están en recuperación – incluyendo tres esfuerzos legislativos notables.   Lideramos la lucha de ocupar las compañ...

Mental Health Colorado Statement: Jacob Blake

Mental Health Colorado issued the following statement on August 24, 2020:   This morning most of us woke to news of unrest that occurred in Kenosha, Wisconsin after police shot Jacob Blake, who was unarmed, seven times in the back at point blank range in front of his three sons, aged 3, 5, and 8. After witnessing this execution by the police, Jacob’s children went to sleep last night not knowing if their father would survive. While we are still waiting for further details about how this unfolded, we are all stunned by the event, only the latest in hundreds of years of police-related fatalities that have the tacit approval of a j...

STRESS TEST: Mental health care services pushed to brink amid COVID-19

By: Kara Mason Originally appeared in the Colorado Sentinel ond wave of COVID-19 cases surged across the country and in Colorado this summer, mental health professionals saw another crisis: More people seeking help and not enough resources. Even before the new coronavirus infected the U.S., county by county, experts say there weren’t enough mental health workers to meet needs, but stress and isolation due to the virus have intensified an existing quagmire. It has also presented new opportunities, such as reaching more patients virtually, and led to relaxed regulations that make it easier for trained professionals to reach people. Drs. ...

Hosting a Facebook Fundraiser for Mental Health Colorado

Thank you for signing up to do a Facebook fundraiser for Mental Health Colorado. This page includes all of the information you will need to launch a successful fundraising campaign, including: Language you can use for creating your fundraiser and promoting on social media Graphics you can use on social media Step-by-step instructions for starting a campaign on Facebook Language you can use for fundraising: Mental health is more important than ever. That's why I'm asking you to donate to my fundraising campaign for Mental Health Colorado, the state’s leading advocate in promoting mental wellness, ending shame and discrimination, ...

How to Invite Friends to Follow Mental Health Colorado

When you are logged into Facebook, go to Mental Health Colorado's Facebook page. From there, click the three dots on the right side of the page. Then you will be given the option to "Invite Friends." From there, you can select as many friends as you'd like to invite to follow Mental Health Colorado.

Colorado Springs man’s death while resisting arrest another example in mental health response shortcomings, experts say

By: Olivia Prentzel Read the article in The Gazette Chad Burnett, 49, as pictured on website for Chaz Pro Bike Fit, his Colorado Springs bicycle fitting service. died May 24 after a struggle with police in the Broadmoor area.  

COVID disrupts mental health of workers

By: Ken Amundson Originally appeared in BizWest COVID-19 has disrupted, quite obviously, the lives of workers — both at work and in personal terms, resulting in negative effects. Anxiety, depression, increased addictions, increased alcohol use, disrupted sleep patterns, reduced energy and anti-social behaviors have all been documented since the pandemic began in mid-March. Yet mental health experts say that life has always been lived in a state of uncertainty. The current situation hasn’t changed that. Several mental health and human resources experts gathered to talk about the impacts of the pandemic on workers during a BizWest webinar in ...

Andrew Jensen’s Story

15: Double Suicide Attempt Survivor & Pro Golfer In Canada To Mental Health Ambassador // The Story Of Andrew Jensen Appeared in "From Rock Bottom to Rockin' It" podcast Andrew Jensen is a professional golfer and mental health Bell Let’s Talk Ambassador. In his teens, Andrew began to suffer with depression, culminating in a suicide attempt at 16 years old. In those difficult teenage years, golf was his refuge and the one place he felt meaning and purpose. It wasn’t until having to deal with the immense stress and pressure of professional golf that the game became his undoing. After struggling through an extremely difficult ...