1041 results for author: Mental Health Colorado
Alegrele el día a alguien: Oportunidad de voluntariado
Durante todas las temporadas de la vida, a través de mercados alcistas y bajistas, pandemias y momentos de inmensa alegría, necesitamos el apoyo de uno al otro para vivir bien. Nuestra calidad de vida depende de nuestra salud mental, y cada fase de la vida trae sus propios os retos y oportunidades.
Las personas mayores quien viven solas en particular, pueden estar pasando por momentos difíciles durante este tiempo, ya que se puede sentir más el aislamiento durante la pandemia. A través de las próximas semanas, estamos trabajando con la Autoridad de Vivienda de Denver (Denver Housing Authority) y Project H...
Colorado Edition: Through A Screen
On Colorado Edition: why nursing homes are so susceptible to COVID-19. Plus, we’ll get tips for maintaining mental health during challenging times. We’ll also look at how online learning works for English as a second language students, why museums are making collections available virtually, and we'll get some advice about how to start watching Alfred Hitchcock films.
Support via AmazonSmile
Did you know?
Every time you shop at Amazon, a portion of purchases can benefit Mental Health Colorado. Check out the Amazon Smile program - It’s easy and there are no extra charges:
Beyond The Bars Radio Podcast : Mental Health Colorado Resources with Vincent Atchity
President & CEO of Mental Health Colorado, Vincent Atchity, joins Rob Lohman on the Beyond the Bars radio podcast to discuss mental health during the coronavirus pandemic.
Mental Health Colorado Expands its Focus on Criminal Justice
Originally appeared in the Pagosa Daily Post
Apr 17, 2020 | Education/Health
Jails and prisons have become the largest mental health facilities in the U.S. It’s a painful intersection that The Equitas Project has worked to disentangle since its founding by the David and Laura Merage Foundation in 2013. As of April 16, The Equitas Project is part of Mental Health Colorado, the state’s leading advocate for mental health, under the leadership of President and CEO Vincent Atchity.
Through their foundation, David and Laura Merage launched The Equitas Project as a reflection of their deep commitment to the mission. They transferred ...
Mental Health Colorado to Lead The Equitas Project with Generous Commitment from David and Laura Merage Foundation
April 16, 2020
The Mental Health Advocacy Organization Will Expand its Focus on Criminal Justice
DENVER—Jails and prisons have become the largest mental health facilities in the U.S. It’s a painful intersection that The Equitas Project has worked to disentangle since its founding by the David and Laura Merage Foundation in 2013. As of April 16, 2020, The Equitas Project is now part of Mental Health Colorado, the state’s leading advocate for mental health, under the leadership of President & CEO Vincent Atchity.
Through their foundation, David and Laura Merage launched The Equitas Project as a reflection of ...
The Equitas Project becomes a part of Mental Health Colorado
I hope you are staying well in these difficult times.
I’m writing with the exciting news that The Equitas Project is now part of Mental Health Colorado.
Jails and prisons have become the largest mental health facilities in the U.S. It’s a painful intersection that The Equitas Project has worked to disentangle since its founding by the David and Laura Merage Foundation in 2013.
We share the Merage’s understanding that behaviors associated with poor mental health and addiction are mistaken for and treated as willful criminality. Rather than supporting people’s health and providing access to quality care, education, and ...
Mental Health Colorado plays a leading role in bringing together providers, consumers, advocates, and other groups to develop new solutions that advance mental health in our state. We sparked the creation of the Jefferson Center for Mental Health, the Colorado Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health, the Colorado Mental Wellness Network, and Rocky Mountain Crisis Partners, among other entities. Our commitment to collaboration plays a key role in how we approach our work.
El Proyecto Equitas se hace parte de Salud Mental Colorado
Espero que esté bien durante estos tiempos difíciles.
Le quiero comunicar las noticias emocionantes que el Proyecto Equitas ahora es parte de Salud Mental Colorado.
Las cárceles y prisiones se han convertido en la mayor instalación de salud mental en los E.U. Esta es la intersección dolorosa en la que el Proyecto Equitas ha trabajado de desenredar desde su establecimiento por la Fundación David y Laura Merage en 2013.
Compartimos el entendimiento de los Merage que los comportamientos asociados con la mala salud mental y la adicción son confundidos por y tratados como deliberadamente crimina...
How we are getting through this…
April 7, 2020
We asked. You answered.
What are you doing to keep your mental health in check?
“Great time to call distant family members and find out how your ancestors lived through trying times. Kids love to hear about who they are and what states/countries their people came from.” -Mary Ellen
“I’ve picked up my guitar for the first time in years. I’m fortunate to still have a job where I can work from home, so I’ve donated what I can and listed things I’m grateful for daily.” -Aubrey
“As a ‘person of years’ I know how important human contact is. My coffee group and Friday bridge ...