1041 results for author: Mental Health Colorado

The only thing to fear

We are in this together, and we are smart and strong. Isn’t it hard to believe that just a week ago so few of us could have imagined how topsy-turvy so many things could get so fast? And yet, here we all are—adjusting to dramatic changes, and facing uncertainty. Of course this is unsettling. Of course we find ourselves anxious, and find unexpected strain on our mental health. But we are in this together, and we are acting based on the best guidance of our health science for the purpose of saving lives. This is an opportunity for us to show how strong and how united we are—and strength in unity is one of the best medicines to ...

Declaracion – COVID-19

El Presidente y CEO de Mental Health Colorado, Vincent Atchity, emitió la siguiente declaración: Si alguna vez ha dudado de que la salud mental y la salud física están relacionadas, ¡seguramente ya no debe haber duda! Al aprender de los casos adicionales de Covid-19 y de todas las medidas que se están tomando por todo el mundo, es posible que se sienta más ansioso. Nuestra salud mental y salud física no son distintas. Alguna ansiedad es normal, especialmente en momentos como este. Pero necesitamos tener cuidado en no dejar que nuestra ansiedad nos supere. Nuestra ansiedad influye a todos los que nos rodean, especialmente a los niños. ...

Colorado Edition: The Strength Of The Human Spirit

March 18, 2020 Aired on KUNC On this Colorado Edition: We explore the state's forecasted budget amid the coronavirus outbreak. We also round up this week's education news, learn more about the 2020 census now that it's officially begun, and get anxiety advice from a mental health expert. LISTEN HERE

COVID-19: Mayor Suthers declares local emergency

March 16, 2020 By: Faith Miller Originally appeared in the Colorado Springs Independent As the number of COVID-19 cases in Colorado continued to climb, Colorado Springs Mayor John Suthers declared a local state of emergency March 16. "The declaration does two things; first, it makes the City eligible for federal relief funding as it becomes available; second, it provides authority for Mayoral regulations that can be put in to place rapidly to address the situation as needed," Suthers said in a statement. "This should not be cause for further alarm, but a signal that our city continues to monitor the situation and respond in a prudent, effici...

The best and the worst: The psychology of COVID-19

March 15, 2020 By: Keri Dequine Harden Originally appeared in the Steamboat Pilot STEAMBOAT SPRINGS — Disasters — whether natural, manmade or a combination of both — tend to bring out the best and the worst in humanity. A tornado or a hurricane is an event that happens quickly, with a long recovery. They are geographical disasters that most directly and severely effect people in that area. A pandemic presents a very different threat — one that has geographic, economic, physical and psychological impacts. It is an invisible enemy, full of unknowns and uncertainties. It is a silent, mostly hidden invader. While the novel ...

Advice for those at higher risk for COVID-19 who have routine doctor appointments

March 13, 2020 By: Anusha Roy Originally appeared on 9News There's a good chance people who fall in the high-risk groups for COVID-19 will have routine doctor appointments. Officials hope they'll consider telemedicine. DENVER — There's a good chance people who fall into the higher-risk groups for COVID-19 will have routine doctor appointments. The hope? These people will consider using telemedicine -- or appointments that can be done remotely -- to avoid getting sick while trying to get well. Who is high-risk for COVID-19? The high-risk group includes older adults and anyone at any age with chronic health conditions, like lung ...

Romanoff sets virtual town hall to grapple with mental health concerns

March 16, 20120 By: Ernest Luning Originally appeared in Colorado Politics Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Andrew Romanoff has announced plans to hold a virtual town hall on Wednesday devoted to anxiety and other mental health issues surrounding the coronavirus outbreak. "The pandemic we now face has taught us a lot about the coronavirus, COVID-19 and how to protect our physical health. But this crisis takes a toll on our mental health as well," said Romanoff, a former state House speaker who headed Mental Health Colorado for four years before throwing his hat in the ring for Republican U.S. Sen. Cory Gardner's seat. The virtual town ...

Response to COVID-19

We are always available to assist members of the media. For all press inquiries, please contact us: Aubree Hughes, Director of Communications: 405-615-3845 | AHughes@mentalhealthcolorado.org Flora Welsh, Communications Associate: 502-727-4329 | FWelsh@mentalhealthcolorado.org Mental Health Colorado President & CEO Vincent Atchity released the following statement: If you’ve ever doubted that mental health and physical health are closely related, you’re probably not so doubtful anymore! As we learn about more cases of COVID-19 and all the measures that are being taken all over the world, you may find yourself growing increasingly ...

Can virtual doctors replace in person visits for most health needs?

March 13, 2020 By: Nicole Brady Originally appeared on The Denver Channel. Visiting the doctor no longer requires driving to the office, sitting in a waiting room, and doing a physical exam. More patients are taking advantage of telemedicine, or virtual visits, to see a physician over the internet. Denver7 is going 360 to find out the pros and cons of both types of visits. For some patients, virtual visits are attractive because they’re convenient and can be booked immediately. That was the experience for Jack Bolgard, a student at CU Boulder. During his sophomore year he came down with a sore throat, so he booked an online appointment ...

Recognizing Suicide Warning Signs

In any given year, roughly 600 Coloradans can be expected to die by suicide. This makes suicide the 9th leading cause of death in our state. There is typically no single cause, but there are signs you can look out for that shouldn’t be ignored. Suicide is preventable. It’s important to know what to do. Warning signs: Adults Prolonged depression (sadness or irritability) Any unusual changes in behavior – acting anxious or agitated; behaving recklessly Emotional distance – social withdrawal, isolation from family and friends Giving away personal items and wrapping up loose ends Saying goodbye to friends and family ...